MÜ 2022 teade krundiomanikudele

Dear friends of Kotkajärve,

We are finally able to organize Metsaülikool once again this year at Kotkajärve, with participants coming from Europe and North America. We want to create a safe environment for all by requiring proof of vaccination and administering COVID rapid tests to everyone when they arrive.

We ask that you refrain from using the common areas (saun, docks, any buildings belonging to TESS and the scouts and guides) during the week of August 21-27.

If you are particularly interested in hearing a lecture or other event, please check well ahead of time with Metsaülikool at 416-526-9210 (Inga Eichenbaum) or 416-917-8242 (Viive Tork). You will need to arrange a time for us to administer a rapid test (that must have a negative result), and to show a vaccination certificate.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
