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"Mushrooming" Tops Estonian Box Office Chart in 2012
01 Feb 2013 EWR Online
Estonian Review
"Mushrooming" ("Seenelkäik"), a political satire from Estonian director Toomas Hussar, secured a place at the top of the box office rankings for Estonian films in 2012 with more than twice as many viewers as the next popular production, figures published by the Estonian Film Institute show.

"Mushrooming" was watched by an audience of 73 712 by the end of the year, with runner-up "A Lady in Paris" ("Eestlanna Pariisis," "Une Estonienne a Paris") second with 36 621 viewers and "Bad Hair Friday" ("Vasaku jala reede") third with 32 990.

"Purge" ("Puhastus"), a film based on a novel of the same name by Finnish-Estonian writer Sofi Oksanen, came fourth with an audience of 18 137 and "Demons" ("Deemonid") fifth with 17 494.