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Musica Divina 45
21 Oct 2005 EWR Online
The Musica Divina Singers have been a constant on the local chamber music scene for the last 45 years. This anniversary of the chamber choir, founded and conducted by Lembit Avesson will be celebrated with a concert at St. Peter’s Church, 817 Mt. Pleasant Road on Sunday, October 30 at 3 PM.

The programme takes advance advantage of next year’s classical music milestone - 2006 marks the 250th anniversary of Mozart’s birth. We can certainly expect to hear many concerts honouring this master of chamber music.

Musica Divina’s programme will feature three Mozart compositions. Haydn’s Missa Brevis in B major will also be heard. No Musica Divina concert is complete without an Avesson composition. The anniversary concert will feature two premieres - the choral work In Principio, and a Sinfonietta for chamber orchestra.

Soprano Liina Purje-Lepik and bass Jaan Medri are the choir’s soloists. In honour of the anniversary a number of former members have returned to the ranks from “semi-retirement” to honour the achievements and contributions of Lembit Avesson to chamber music.