National Estonian Foundation of Canada Event Listings Newsletter
Archived Articles | 02 Sep 2009  | EWR
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Eesti Sihtkapitali Kanadas Sündmuste Ringkiri

Eesti Sihtkapital Kanadas püüab ikka olla sündmuste tulipunktis, tuues Teieni värvikaid pilte erinevatest üritustest. Meie kodulehel on üleval uus pildigalerii Metsaülikoolist ja JK Jazz'ist.

The National Estonian Foundation of Canada always makes an effort to be in the center of various events which are taking place in our community. New photo albums featuring Metsaülikool and JK Jazz are in our web-gallery.

September 2009:

Kohtumine Veljo Tormisega/ Meet and Greet with Veljo Tormis
k. 2. septembril, 2009 kell 19.30/ Wed, Sept 2, 2009 at 7:30pm
Tartu College, 310 Bloor St. West

Küsimused - vastused, rahvalaul, koorilaul, helilooming, tulevik
Moderaator - Andres Raudsepp
Muusikat - rahvalauluansambel Jaaniku kringel ja kohv
Tartu College'i kultuuriprogramm

Montreal World Film Festival features Estonian movies
September 5, 6 & 7, 2009
Cinema Quartier Latin 11, Montreal

The Montreal World Film Festival (August 27-Sept 7,2009) features one more Estonian movie this weekend. Pangaroov, or "Bank Robbery", is a film by Andrus Tuisk who graduated from the Tallinn Pedagogical Institute in 1988 and began his filmmaking career soon afterwoods, first as an assistant director, then as a producer. He made his own directorial debut in 2003 with a short, Family Business, and followed that with Circle (2004) and Behind the Door (2005). Bank Robbery is his first fiction feature.

About Bank Robbery:
Madis, a former boxer and bank robber, is released from prison after having spent half his life behind bars. He decides to start over and spend his old age in the country with a woman with whom he had been corresponding. Before he sets off, he pays his sister a visit and meets his nephew Hannes, 14, an introverted boy who is constantly bullied in school. Madis is amused by Hannes and takes him along on his trip. Madis tells Hannes stories about his notorious past and the boy is thoroughly taken by the romance of robbing banks. He begins to plan one of his own. He'll film it and post it on Youtube...

For more information visit the Montreal World Film Festival website:

Baltic Bash 2009
Labour Day Weekend, Sept. 5 & 6, 2009
Lakewoodi Eesti Majas/Lakewood Estonian House
Street 4 Cross St & Veterans HWY, Jackson, NJ 08527 US

Let's get together and make some memories! Pig roast, volleyball, folkdancing, ping pong, BBQ, sauna, vendors, badminton, singing, dancing, face painting, performances by Paul Strolia and others, beer tent, movies and more!
Admission: $15/weekend; $10/day; $10/camping-sauna
More info: - 732-446-7615
Location phone number: 732-905-9737

EstDocsi lühifilmikonkursi tähtaeg/ EstDocs Short Film Competition Deadline
9. september 2009/ Sept. 9, 2009
EstDocsi lühifilmi konkurss - $2,500 auhinnarahasid - tähtaeg on 9. september 2009. Filmid olgu alla kolmeminutilise pikkusega (pluss kuni 15 sek tiitreid) teemaga "eestlase rõõm". Rohkem infot osavõtureglemendis ja korduma kippuvates küsimustes. Kui meistriteos valmis, täida osavõtuankeet ja saada teos meile!

September 9th will be the final date to submit your short film to the EstDocs short film competition!
Dust off your handycam, cellphone or animation software - $2,500 to be won! Films under 3 minutes (plus up to 15 sec credits) with the theme "eestlase rõõm". Read more in the submission guidleines and FAQs online. When you're ready to submit, fill out the submission form and send us your masterpiece!
EstDocs runs this year from October 16 to 23rd. More information at

Every year, EstDocs has shown Estonian films produced outside of Estonia, but this year no such film was on the horizon so the call has been put out and the competition is open to everyone; those who live in Estonia or abroad. We've been repeatedly asked what is "eestlase rõõm". The theme is broad - about as broad as you can get. Have some tie-in to Eesti, wherever it may be and whatever it may look like - don't sweat it!

Estonia Koor uue hooaja algus/ Estonia Choir Begins a New Season
10. september, 2009 kell 7õ/ Sept. 10, 2009 7:00pm
Toronto Eesti Maja kristallsaalis/ Toronto Estonian House Crystal Hall
Kutsume lauljaid uuele hooaajale! "Estonia" segakoori harjutused toimuvad neljapäeviti Eesti Maja kristallsaalis kell 7 - 9.30 õhtul. Sügise hooaeg algab 10. septembril. Kutsume ka uusi lauljaid kaasa laulma! Infoks kontaki võtta Ingrid Poomiga, 416-465-9379 või

Calling all singers for the new season! "Estonia" mixed choir practices take place on Thursdays at the Estonian House Crystal Hall from 7 to 9:30pm. The Fall season starts on September 10th. New singers are welcome to join! For more information contact Ingrid Poom, 416-465-9379 or

Pensionäride Klubi Koosviibimised Septembril 2009/ Seniors' Club Meetings in September 2009
11. september kell 1 p.l. - Sügishoaeg algab
ja 25. september kell 1 p.l.

Harjumaa-Tallinn Koondise koosviibimine
14. september 2009 kell 1p.l/ Sept. 14, 2009 at 1pm
Toronto Eesti Maja kohvikus/ Toronto Estonian House Cafe
Lõunaeinega ja aastapeakoosolek Troonto Eesti Maja kohvikus esmaspäeval 14. septembril 2009 kell 1p.l.

Segakoor Ööbiku esimine proov/ Ööbik Choir First Practice
E. 14. septembril, 2009 kell 7/ Monday, Sept. 14th, 2009 at 7pm
Tartu College, 310 Bloor St. West
Kutsume kõiki lauluhuvilisi, eriti uusi meeshääli, Ööbiku segakoori. Proovid toimuvad esmaspäeva õhtuti kell 7, Tartu College Suures saalis. Esimene harjutus esmaspäeval 14. septembril. Plaanis on Eesti Vabariigi Aastapäeva kontsert Floridas ning meie tavapärane Simmaree maikuus, Toronto Eesti Majas. Info: Tiina Maripuu, tel: 416-423-6348, Kati Marley, tel. 416-425-8545.

Calling all new singers, especially new men's voices, to join Ööbik mixed choir. Practices take place on Monday nights at 7pm at Tartu College. First practice is on September 14th, 2009. In the schedule for this year is an independence day concert in Florida and our annual Simmaree in May at the Toronto Estonian House. For more info: Tiina Maripuu, tel. 416-423-6348, and Kati Marley, tel. 416-425-8545.

Tulge Eesti Kooli!/ Join Estonian School!
Meil on sobiv programm igale lapsele!/ We have a program for everyone!
Algab teisipäeval, 15. septembril 2009, kell 7-9:10 p.l., 7-14 a. lastele
Starts Tuesday September 15th, 2009, from 7-9:10pm, ages 7-14

Toronto Eesti Seltsi Täienduskool ootab Teie lapsi!
Täienduskool pakub võimalusi igale vanusele ja igale tasemele õppida, arendada ja täiendada oma eesti keele oskust ja teadmisi eesti ajaloost, maateadusest ja kultuurist!

Keelekümbluse Programm on jaotud kolmele oskuse tasemele ja on koostatud laste vajaduste järgi. Iga klass pakub sobiva keeleprogrammi, mis arendab lapse keeleoskust ja sõnavara ning arendab kõnekeelt. Nendes klassides õppimine toimub kahes keeles ja peegeldab lapse keeleoskuse vajadusi. Keelekümbluse klassist võivad õpilased edasi minna emakeeleprogrammi, kui keel on arenenud põhiklassi tasemele. Nendes klassides õpetakse ka kodumaa tundmist, maateadust ning ajalugu.
Emakeele Programm on progressiivne, alates eestikeelse lugemise ja kirjutamise alusest, viies õpilased edasi keele peensusteni, käänamise ja pööramiseni. Emakeele programmis on rõhk grammatikal, kus õppimine toimub ainult eesti keeles. Nendes klassides õpetatakse ka kodumaa tundmist, maateadust ning ajalugu.
Lisaks kõigile toimuvad laulutund ja seoses erinevate aastaaegadega rahvatants ning ühistunnid, näiteks noorte filmiõhtud, kunsti- ja kultuuritegevused.
Suunatud küsimusi ja rohkem infot:
Liisa Soots, juhataja: - 416-535-8436
Silvi Jaason, abijuhataja: - 416-206-3866

T.E.S's Estonian School is waiting for your child!
We offer dynamic opportunities for all childern and all levels of Estonian. Learn and develop your Estonian language and embrace your cultural roots!

Immersion Program is suited for students who do not speak the language independently. The program is designated into three developmental stages of language ability, based on student needs. Each class/stage offers a differentiated program, that will develop your child's language comprehension, vocabulary and oral communication skills. Instruction is bi-lingual and the focus is on developing their skills through reading, writing, speaking and the arts. Emphasis is also placed on developing vocabulary by providing valuable opportunities for students to practice their speaking skills. Once students develop their understanding of the language to a certain level of independence and comfort, he/she may transfer into the "Emakeele" program. Students will also learn about Estonian geography, history and culture.
"Emakeele" Program is suited for students whose first language is Estonian and who can independently speak the language fluently. Students will practice reading and writing in Estonian, with a focus on grammar, conjugation, and writing skills. Instruction is only in Estonian and students also learn about the geography, history and culture of Estonia.
In addition, all students engage in singing classes every week and throughout the year guest speakers and Estonian cultural activities enrich our school program. For example, folkdancing, The Estonian Documentary Film Festival, Estonian Arts Exhibits and other cultural activities.

For more information, please contact:
Liisa Soots, Principal: - 416-535-8436
Silvi Jaason, Vice Principal: - 416-209-3866

Pensionäride Klubi koosviibimine
17. septembril, 2009 kell 1p.l./ Sept 17th, 2009 at 1pm
Toronto Eesti Majas/ Toronto Estonian House

T.E.S. Lasteaed, Registreerimine ja Klassid / T.E.S. Kindergarten Registration and Classes
19. septembril, 2009 kell 9:30/ Sept. 19th, 2009 at 9:30pm
Toronto Eesti Majas/ Toronto Estonian House
Lasteaia klassid algavad 19. septembril 2009 kell 9:30, Toronto Eesti Majas. Vanemate koosolek ja laste registreerimine kell 10:00 Eesti Maja Kristallsaalis. Info: Katriina Bellerive või 416-546-5366

T.E.S. Kindergarten classes begin September 19th, 2009 at 9:30am at the Toronto Estonian House. Parents' meeting and registration at 10:00am in the Estonian House Crystal Hall. For information: Katriina Bellerive or 416-546-5366.

EGO Masters 14th Annual Golf Tournament
19. septembril, 2009 kell 1p.l./ September 19th, 2009 at 1pm
Mill Run Golf Club - 269 Durham Road 8, Uxbridge

On Saturday, Sept. 19th, the EGO Golf Tournament will take place, presented be EGO (Estonian Golf Club of Ontario) and sponsored by the NEFC (National Estonian Foundation of Canada) at Mill Run Golf Club.
12:00, putting contest - 1:00pm, shotgun start
Championship and Scramble formats - Raffle - 50/50 - mens' and ladies' drive, closest to, and many more.
Fees: $140 ($95 for under 25)
For more information:

Jõekääru Laste Suvekodu Talgupäev #4/ JK Camp Workday #4
20. septembril, 2009 kell 9/ September 20th, 2009 at 9am

Talgupäev kestab kella 9 e.l. kuni kella 5 p.l. Pakume lõunasööki talgulistele. Palume talguteks ette registreerida: Linda Karuks

Work day will last from 9am to 5pm. We will be offering lunch for volunteers. Please pre-register for work day with Linda Karuks,

Saarlaste sügiskokkutulek
20. septembril 2009 kell 4p.l./ September 20th, 2009 at 4pm
Toronto Eesti Maja kristallsaalis/ Toronto Estonian House Crystal Hall

EKKT 54. aastanäituse avamine
26.-29. septembrini 2009/ September 26th - 29th, 2009
Toronto Eesti Maja galeriis ja kristallsaalis/ Toronto Estonian House gallery
Näitus avatud 26.-29. septembrini, laup.-pühap. kl. 2-8, esmasp.-teisip.10-6
Show open from September 26th to 29th, Sat. and Sun from 2 to 8pm, Mon and Tues 10 to 6pm

EESTI SIHTKAPITAL KANADAS (ESK) toetab jätkuvalt Kanada eestlaste tegevust!

Kui keegi teie tuttavatest soovivad saada ESK ringkirja e-posti teel, siis paluge neid võtta ühendust

The NATIONAL ESTONIAN FOUNDATION OF CANADA (NEFC) supports activities, which enrich the Estonian community in Canada!
We hope that you will forward this notice to your friends and family whom you feel may be interested and encourage them to volunteer their contact information to us at , so that we may e-mail the newsletter to them directly in the future.

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