National Post The Canadians who couldn't escape paradise
Eestlased Kanadas | 23 Mar 2020  | EWR OnlineEWR
By Nicholas Nazar

PANAMA CITY, Panama — Buses with anxious Canadians, just released from a forced quarantine, are rushing at a heady speed to Panama City airport. Our police escort is flashing lights and clearing traffic as if for a presidential motorcade.

Night curfew strikes soon at 9 p.m. Air travel in and out of the country halts at 11:59 p.m. Sunday. A few of us in the group are without a booked flight.

We were at Tribal Gathering, an annual festival of music and Indigenous culture on a remote Caribbean beach in Panama.

Life was about learning from tribal elders and practising open-hearted hugs. Then, as we gathered around fire, strange news from the outer world started to seep into our conversations.

“Electronic devices be gone,” was our motto a day before. Now we are staring into our phones with bewilderment.....

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Eestlased Kanadas