NATO Enlargement Prospects Raised at White House Meeting
Eestlased Kanadas | 01 Dec 2001  | EEEWR
JBANC PRESS RELEASE: For Immediate Release November 30, 2001 contact: Karl Altau tel. 301-340-1954

Washington, DC (JBANC) White House officials on Wednesday discussed progress in the NATO enlargement process with representatives of the Central and East European Coalition (CEEC), including the Joint Baltic American National Committee, Inc. (JBANC). Invitations to the Alliance are expected to be issued at the Prague Summit in November 2002 to qualified aspirant countries, which may also include Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

Other questions posed by the CEEC included NATOs relationship with Russia, results of the Bush-Putin November Summit meeting, and recent comments by NATO Secretary General Robertson. Positive signs of a new cooperative relationship with the Russian Federation are adding a new dimension to an evolving NATO, facing new threats since September 11. Also discussed was the status of the Freedom Consolidation Act, currently pending in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which is chaired by Delaware Democrat Sen. Joseph Biden.

JBANC chairman Algis Rimas and Managing Director Karl Altau participated in the meeting. Daniel Fried, Senior Director for European and Eurasian Affairs, and Walter Andrusyszyn, both of the National Security Council, were present on behalf of the White House.

Foreign assistance was another topic covered at the meeting. At a Capitol Hill briefing earlier that day, the status of the foreign affairs budget (the 150 Account) was highlighted. A final push was encouraged for Congressional support and increased funding for the Foreign Operations budget. The bill, still in conference committee, includes allocations for Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in Foreign Military Financing (FMF), International Military Education Training (IMET) and SEED (Support for Eastern European Democracy) funding.

Featured guest of honor Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-NE) discussed the importance of a strong foreign affairs budget. Answering a question posed by JBANC chairman Algis Rimas regarding NATO enlargement, Sen. Hagel said that he is in favor of further enlargement, but it should be kept in mind that NATO is adjusting to a fluid and dynamic world. Regarding conceivable Baltic membership in NATO, Russia should realize that there is no threat from the West and it should refrain from using the issue as a bargaining chip.

The briefing was organized by the Campaign for U.S. Global Leadership, a coalition of over 300 organizations, which includes JBANC and its three parent organizations. More information is available from JBANC.

JBANC represents the Estonian American National Council, Inc., the American Latvian Association, Inc. and the Lithuanian American Council, Inc.




Representing: Estonian American National Council, Inc. American Latvian Association, Inc. Lithuanian American Council, Inc.

400 Hurley Avenue Rockville, MD 20850

Tel: (301) 340-1954 Fax: (301) 309-1406 Net:


Eestlased Kanadas