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New Music presents Baltic Currents concert
13 Apr 2006 EE
The New Music Concerts Ensemble, under the artistic direction of Robert Aitken is presenting a concert on Sunday April 30, featuring music by (with one exception) young Baltic composers. Estonia is represented by Helena Tulve, whose 2002 composition lumineux/opaque for violin, cello, piano and percussion will be performed.

The works of three Lithuanians - Raminta Serksnyte (also the guest curator of the concert), Mikolajus Konstantinas Ciurlonis and Algirdas Martinaitis - and Latvia’s Andris Dzenitis round out the programme. Ciurlonis, who lived from 1875 to 1911, is the exception in the focus on youth.

Featured are Fujiko Imajishi, violin and mezzo-soprano Patricia Green.

The 8 PM concert is being advertised as Baltic Currents and will take place at the Glenn Gould Studio, 250 Front St. West. Box Office 416 205-5555.

For up-to-date information please visit their website
