News summary, April 2, ETA
Kuumad uudised | 02 Apr 2002  | EEEWR
News summary, April 2, 2002

Tonino Picula, Crotia's foreign minister arrives in Estonia today to sign an greement with his Estonia's counterpart, Kristiina Ojuland, which will regulate income tax payments for residents earning money in both countries.

The government should grant 298,000 crowns to the consumers' federation to fund three projects this year.

The government nis increasing the number of sites that will be placed under security protecttion. They include the P.M.'s and ex-president's residences in Viimsi, the Tratu home of president Arnuld Ruutel.

The government is considering the lowering of the fee of official I.D. and travel documents for people with handicaps.

Environmental specialists have prepared an interim list of Estonian land sites which will become part of the European Union's lists of protected places NATURA 2000.

Tallinn is proposing a criminal investigation of ex-finance minister Mihkel Parnoja for the sale and purchase of residential property in Mustamae and has sent the relevant documents to the police.

The government will decide the future of legislation proposed by the parliamentary caucus chairman of the Moodukad, Eiki Nestor, which regulates a patient's and the medical therapist's rights and responsibilities.

The government will appoint a commission today which will negotiate with the Estonian railway, railway wortkers union and the union of railway engineers the retraining of personnel.

37 application were submitted to the SAPARD porgramm regarding support to agricultural and fishery production and marketing programs.

According to Postimees, the wounding of Tallinn judge Merle Parts was not a deliberate attack or attempt to kill but rather an accident when a long term freind accidentaly pressed on the trigger of his pistol.

The Eesti Paevaleht writes that the government will decide today whether to enforce language legislation which will nullify as of July 1 diplomas of competence in the Estonian language for Russian speakers in a certain category.

According to Aripaev mnay Estonia business people are investing in gene research. The firm EGeen International Inc., specializing in this type of investment revealed investments of $2 or 36 million crowns.

Kuumad uudised