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On Russia, the Baltics are having their ‘I told you so’ moment
30 Sep 2022 EWR Online
Photo: Raigo Pajula - pics/2022/09/59612_001_t.webp
Photo: Raigo Pajula
Habib Massoud was the Canadian chargé d’affaires to Lithuania and head of the Canadian diplomatic office in Vilnius from 2007 to 2010.

The Baltic countries – Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia – have long kept a wary watch over Russia, their historically hostile next-door neighbour. Indeed, even after they gained independence in 1991 following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the three countries have been warning the West that we should not trust the Russians. During my time in Lithuania representing Canada, I was told innumerable times by many people that I should not be naive. Russia, they kept repeating to me, cannot be relied upon to not act violently toward its neighbours – particularly those that used to be part of the USSR.