Online gaming to help ease Estonia’s financial woes (1)
Eestlased Eestis | 11 Jan 2010  | EWR OnlineEWR
B. Solomon,

Estonia has been one of the EU countries hardest hit by the current economic crisis and has now decided to look to online gambling to help it out of its financial troubles.

Pre-2008, Estonia was in line to join the EU’s single currency, but after the economic crisis left its economy down by 36%, the small Baltic country seemed further away than ever from satisfying the strict criteria necessary for Eurozone entry. Estonia is now hoping that funds received from granting online licences and a 5 percent tax on gross revenues, will set its economy firmly back on the right path once more.

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Phony wealth16 Jan 2010 16:40
Tax revenues from this Faustian bargain will be re-circulated to social services aimed at repairing the damage done by gambling addiction.

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Eestlased Eestis