Ontario PCs choosing a new leader (1)
Archived Articles | 29 May 2009  | Adu RaudkiviEWR
Four leadership candidates have lined up to contest the leadership of the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party, and all are sitting members. Delegates will select a new leader at the party convention on June 27th in Markham.

They are Randy Hillier, MPP, an electrician from a rural riding, the most conservative and running last in the polls.

Tim Hudak, MPP, is backed by former Premier Mike Harris. He is a former minister, of Czechoslovakian background, the second most conservative and the front -runner.

MPP Frank Klees, who is probably running second, claims to be neither “Red” nor "Blue" but is next on the "conservative hit parade". Also a former minister in Harris’ cabinet Klees ran last time for party leadership but came in third against John Tory.

The least conservative is MPP Christine Elliott, wife of Jim Flaherty, federal Minister of Finance, who took over his provincial riding. Elliott is proposing a flat tax for Ontario just like they have in Estonia. She suggests no Ontario tax up to an annual income of $18,000 and then a flat amount of 8% for everyone else.

The cut-off for party memberships was May 15th; all those who are members will be contacted and told where to vote.

Meanwhile there are a few all candidates meetings to consider:

Markham Thursday, June 4, 7:30 p.m.
Seneca College, Markham Campus, 8 The Seneca Way, Hwy 7 & 404,
Tickets by June 2

Ottawa Wednesday, June 10, 7:30 p.m.
University of Ottawa, Marion Bldg. 140 Louis Pasteur
Tickets by June 10

TV Ontario will carry the debate on the Agenda with Steve Paikin on Thursday, June 18 at 8 p.m.

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Tutav01 Jun 2009 13:22
Tim Hudak is very familiar with Estonians as well. His parents' good friends are Estonian.

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