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Open Letter from Ingrid Tanner
18 Apr 2018 EWR Online
 - pics/2018/04/51526_001.jpg
Dear Raivo Remmel,

I received your latest email.

I was shocked. Your timing to invite me to the board is a bit late.

I am but one voice… commenting online. If only you could have just followed the rules.

Why would you put yourself and the board in this position?


Ingrid Tanner
April 16, 2018

Correspondence between me and Raivo Remmel regarding being on the board of Estonian House 2018
EWR contacted the Toronto Estonian House board for comment and received the following reply.

In good faith on February 12, 2018, on behalf of the Board of the Estonian House, Ingrid Tanner was given a letter inviting her to serve on the Board to fill a vacancy. No response was received until she approached me on April 4th at the Town Hall meeting and asked about her status.  I was surprised when she indicated that she had sent a response a month and a half earlier.  Clearly there had been some breakdown with email communications.  We are disappointed that during those 7 weeks she made no attempt to follow up by making alternate arrangements to contact me, any other member of the board, or the Estonian House office through any other channels to submit her signed consent to serve    A phone call would have identified a problem and enabled us to clear it up and move forward quickly.

On Apr. 4th Ingrid sent a test message which I did receive. I waited unsuccessfully for 6 days for her to send her consent and then followed up with an email asking her to use my business email account, in case the email was still faulty.

Still receiving nothing, I sent a follow-up email 2 days later.

Still receiving no response, I followed up 3 days later again.

Other than her signed copy attached to her open letter,  I have not formally received her signed consent.

It is truly unfortunate that Ingrid Tanner has decided to follow up through the public media when a timely call or email to the Estonian House office could have resolved this issue weeks ago.
Raivo Remmel

See also Open letter from Väino Keelmann to Estonian House
