Orchids on the Rock
Archived Articles | 09 Mar 2007  | EL (Estonian Life)EWR
The wild orchids of Newfoundland

Andrus and Maria Voitk, 2006. Gros Morne Co-operating Association. 96 pages, 150 colour photographs. Paper $12.95 CAD ISBN 0-9699509-3-4.

This small pocket guide gives a pictorial overview of the most exotic family of flowers, orchids, covering all species, hybrids and varieties known to grow wild on the island of Newfoundland. Two pages are devoted to each plant, using several photographs to display the plant, blossom, seed pod and habitat, showing many of the known forms. Information about habitat, size and blooming time is augmented by brief comments about each plant and a check list is included at the end.

The guide was reviewed in the March 2007 issue of the "North American Native Orchid Journal" (Vol 13, no. 1) by Professor Paul-Martin Brown, one of North America's best known orchidologists, also the editor of NANOJ. Prof. Brown wrote:

"This 96-page publication has perhaps more native orchid information between its covers than any other publication of its size. With 150 colour photos illustrating 43 species and 4 varieties, each taxon is presented in a 2-page format with basic information on the far left and 2-5 photos completing the two pages.. A handy checklist is included inside the back cover. The small format and sturdy binding make it ideal for a roomy pocket or backpack. Nomenclature follows that of the Orchidaceae in volume 26 of Flora of North America, North of Mexico (2002).

"This work has been the personal project of Andrus and Maria Voitk for the past several years. I have been privileged to contribute a few photos of ‘lost’ Newfoundland species. As in all publications there are things that could have been done differently — if we only had known which questions to ask — a photo that should have been sharper, a little more space in the gutter, etc., but those are of no major consequence. The only thing I find lacking is a map of Newfoundland and the various regions mentioned in the text; that would have been helpful to those who have never had the pleasure of visiting the island.

"One of the primary goals of the Voitks in presenting this publication was to make it affordable to all and they (and The Gros Morne Co-operating Association through the efforts of Michael Burzynski) have certainly done so at $12.95 CAD (about $10.92 USD). Native orchid enthusiasts and both those who have been to Newfoundland and those who hope to go will be well rewarded with a copy of this handsome book. Do not delay in getting your copies (1 for the field and 1 for the library!) as they will surely be gone by the end of this summer season!"

All proceeds from the sale of the book go towards supporting Gros Morne National Park, a spectacular Newfoundland and Canadian natural treasure.

Order from:
Gros Morne Co-operating Association
Rocky Harbour, Newfoundland
A0K 4N0
MasterCard or Visa preferred by phone at: (709) 458-3610

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