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Ott Kärner wins 2022 EERO TalTech Scholarship
09 Dec 2022 EWR Online
TalTech Dean of Engineering Fjodor Sergejev, Ott Kärner and TalTech Development Fund board member Arvo Oorn. - pics/2022/12/59796_001_t.jpg
TalTech Dean of Engineering Fjodor Sergejev, Ott Kärner and TalTech Development Fund board member Arvo Oorn.
TalTech, formerly known as Tallinn University of Technology, and in particular the engineering faculty are important to the future of Estonia and its economy. TalTech has survived for more than 100 years and EERO Canada has granted scholarships for over 30 years. Estonia’s ability to adapt to both global and internal changes requires economic, social and cultural innovations. The next technological innovation may come from the Faculty of Engineering at TalTech.

This year EERO Canada received applications from nine qualified candidates, all of whom were highly motivated and accomplished. Applications were evaluated on academic excellence, extracurricular activities, goals, and financial need. It is with great pleasure that we announce the 2022 EERO TalTech Scholarship has been awarded to Ott Kärner. Ott Kärner is currently pursuing his Engineering Baccalaureate at TalTech University, specializing in Product Development and Robotics.

Ott Kärner has achieved a GPA of 4.9 while holding down part time jobs during the school year and working long hours during the summer, often 14 hours a day. At the same time, he has been actively involved in two projects, one of which is the Formula Student Team Tallinn (FS Team Tallinn).

FS Team Tallinn is an international product development competition aimed at students of engineering and automotive technology. The main objectives of the FS competition are to design, build and present a single seat formula car prototype for an amateur weekend racer. During competition, the student-built car has to prove its benefits in acceleration, skid pad and endurance races. Participation in the FS project and competitions in Europe and North America offer students with valuable experiences. Ott’s role with FS Team Tallinn is mapping algorithms. The Estonian FS team has been very successful and in the 2021 European competitions, the Estonian FS team placed first in Italy and the Czech Republic and third in Hungary.

Ott Kärner is from Saaremaa and he is the oldest of 11 children. In addition to Ott, both his mother and one of his sisters are both studying in post secondary programs.

We are honored to present the 2022 EERO TalTech scholarship to Ott Kärner and wish him the greatest of success. Congratulations Ott!
