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Ottawa Estonian Society celebrates Independence Day
26 Feb 2004 Peeter Bush

The Ottawa Estonian Society celebrated the anniversary of Estonia’s Independence Day on Saturday, February 21, 2004, at the Air Force Officers Club. As usual, it snowed that day. Attendance, while good, appeared to be slightly less than last year.

The main speaker was the new Chargé d’Affairs of the Estonian embassy in Canada, Mr. Argo Küünemäe who updated everyone as to the current status of Estonia’s imminent entry into the European Union and NATO and as to what lies ahead for the fatherland. Estonia’s immediate future at this time appears bright indeed. Afterwards a fine buffet supper and social evening was enjoyed by all.

During the drive home, I could not help but reflect on how fortunate the Canadian expatriate community has been in that the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs always sends vigorous, youthful and obviously competent professional diplomats. It is a sure thing that they will continue to do an excellent job of representing the national interests of the new, free Estonia as well as working harmoniously with all Canadians of Estonian heritage.