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Ottawa Oktoberfest
22 Oct 2004 Peeter Bush
Ottawa Baltic friends celebrated their second Oktoberfest on Saturday, October 16, 2004, at the local German club hall. A hearty German dinner was enjoyed by an almost sell-out crowd.
 - pics/2004/voh6.jpg

Erich Krieger - one of Estonia’s leading pop artists - along with Tiit Saluveer and Jaan Kirss, fresh from their recent Toronto appearance, provided the dance music and entertainment later in the evening. They were able to get the crowd into a party mood immediately.

The get together was particularly notable because of the overwhelming number of second and particularly third generation people in attendance. Judging from the demographics of the turnout, the Baltic Oktoberfest looks certain to be a regular event in future for some time.

Many thanks to the organizers of the Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian communities here in Ottawa for a job well done.
