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Our Right to Vote on the Coalition Government
03 Dec 2008 EWR Online
View Current Signatures - Sign the Petition

Please Note! I apologize for the typos and grammatical errors contained herein. Please understand that this document has been signed by MANY people, and that will continue until it is time to submit to the Governor General. I CANNOT EDIT THIS PETITION without starting over. Please - thank you for your support, and I welcome your comments, but please - no more emails requesting edits. It cannot be done and although I would love to get back to everyone personally - there are simply just way too many messages.

To: Canadian Electorate

We, as the Canadian Electorate, feel that the Coalition that has now formed consisting of the leaders of the Bloc Quebecios, the NDP and the Liberal Party are do not effectively represent me as a Canadian.

We respectfully request that we are given our right to democratic process and support an election rather than an appointment of this coalition into a position of power.
