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Part 13 – "Due Diligence Extended"
23 Mar 2018 Allan Meiusi
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The City's Staff Report regarding the zoning amendment for the proposed development at 995-1005 Broadview (Whistler’s) along with a recommendation to deny an eleven storey building at 1132 Broadview was published February 2, 2018. The lengthy response concluded with:

The current proposed height, setbacks, massing, transition and compatibility are not appropriate. The proposed redesignation of the lands from Neighbourhoods to Mixed Use Areas is not supported by Planning staff as it does not meet the purpose and objectives of the Official Plan. (From )

1001 Broadview Ave Inc and the Salvation Army had both requested adjournments of their separate OMB hearings while they were waiting on this report from the City. Now that the City has refused their application(s), staff with the City’s planning department anticipate that the Salvation Army and 1001 Broadview will restart their OMB appeals in the near future.

As the agent for 1001 Broadview Inc., Bousfields seemingly has another uphill battle ahead. As EWR reported, Bousfields submitted a zoning amendment application on February 14th for an 18 storey senior’s residence at 954-958 Broadview and 72 Chester Hill. Since then, City planners have sent Bousfields a response including a request for "all of the outstanding information and materials." City planners confirm that there will not be any consideration of the application until it is "complete." Hearings or public meetings on the proposed senior’s residence will also be delayed. As is noted in the letter, the City hopes to complete their review process within nine months after the application is completed. The timeline over the last 60 days has been:

  • February 2, 2018 – The application for 10 storeys at the former Whistler’s and 11 storeys at the Salvation Army sites are denied.

  • February 14, 2018 – Bousfields submits the application for 954-958 Broadview and 72 Chester Hill.

  • February 16, 2018 – City of Toronto attorneys received the request to adjourn Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) proceedings regarding the Estonian House Limited’s appeal of the Broadview Development Plan.

  • February 21, 2018 - The City’s legal department was notified that Estonian House Limited request for an adjournment of OMB proceedings was granted.

  • March 14, 2018 – Bousfields is notified that the application for properties owned by Estonian House Limited, the Estonian Foundation of Canada, and the six owners of 954 Broadview is “incomplete.”

The zoning amendment process on behalf of the 4 Orgs could put off determining a value of Estonian House and related properties until the late fall which would extend the due diligence period significantly.

Allan Meiusi
EWR Contributor

Toronto Eesti Maja tulevik
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Madison Project “Due Diligence” Part 2
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Part 6 – "11 Madison: Check the box.”
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