"Pealtnägija": Torontosse kerkib uus väliseesti keskus (26)
Eestlased Kanadas | 07 Feb 2024  | EWR OnlineEWR
Torontosse rajatavast Eesti keskusest, mis peaks uksed avama 2025. aastal, saab eestvedajate sõnul kõige uhkem ja eripärasem omataoliste seas.

Eri hinnangutel elab väljaspool Eestit ligi 200 000 eesti juurtega inimest, neist umbes 27 000 Kanadas. Seetõttu ei ole üllatav, et just Torontosse rajatakse keskust, millest eestvedajate sõnul peaks kujunema rahvusvaheline väliseestluse peakorter. Pealtnägija käis nii arhitektuurselt kui ehitustehniliselt auahnet projekti uudistamas.


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Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
krundi ebasobivus27 Feb 2024 09:27
Who is better qualified than our professionals to speak up for the common good and recognize issues?

E.G. The proposed demolition of the Ontario Science Centre has been strongly condemned by prominent architectural organizations, including the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada.

Importantly, the OSC was deliberately situated in Flemingdon Park-Don Mills, away from downtown Toronto, and accessible by highways. Well over 100,000 school children visit each year from around the province. By relocating the OSC to downtown Toronto, where gridlock traffic has become insufferable, those school trips will mostly be available only to Toronto children in the future.

“I am writing to urge you to keep the Ontario Science Centre open and provide world-class scientific programming for Ontario families in its iconic building, designed by the world-renowned Ontario architect, Raymond Moriyama. (Mihkel Bach’s student)

I strongly disagree with the Government of Ontario’s plan to close and tear down the Ontario Science Centre and to relocate it to Ontario Place, with a significant decrease in space. This means the loss of key experiences and programming, and decreased access for Ontarians. Relocating to the Toronto waterfront where traffic is already bumper to bumper, all but guarantees that schools and kids from outside the GTA will not visit.”




Featuring the Rt. Hon. Adrienne Clarkson, author John Ralston Saul, and landscape architect Walter Kehm engaging in conversation moderated by author John Lorinc.

“When Premier Ford announced his legacy Ontario Line transit project in 2019, unilaterally changing the City of Toronto’s Downtown Relief Subway plan (wasting millions of dollars already invested by the TTC), he touted that the Ontario Line would connect two stellar attractions – the Ontario Science Centre and Ontario Place…. Without any explanation, the Ontario Science Centre morphed from a “world-class attraction” into a building that is so in need of repairs that it has to be demolished….”


to: LOL16 Feb 2024 07:53
Ha-ha... I meant 958
LOL16 Feb 2024 05:45
What building was at 954???

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