Photo competition and show 2008
Archived Articles | 04 Apr 2008  | Vaike KülvetEWR
This year’s Estonian House Art Committee’s photo show will be held on Saturday, April 19 and Sunday, April 20 at the Estonian House Art Gallery, 958 Broadview Ave., Toronto (hours: Saturday 10-4, Sunday, 12-4 – opening Saturday at 11).

The Art Committee has been relaxed about the size of the photos submitted in the last couple of years. However, this year we will only accept photos that are 8” x 10” or larger. Photos entered may still have any type of frame the photographer deems appropriate as long as the photo can be hung. We will accept laser copies as well as photos created by using digital technology. Photos may be colour and/or black&white. As previously announced, this year’s theme is “Light and shadow”. The competition will be juried as always.

Please bring your photographs to the Estonian House Art Gallery on Friday, April 18 between 4 and 7 p.m. Each photographer may submit a maximum of 4 photos. There is a participation fee of $5.00 per photo (to be used for prize money). The title of the photo plus the photographer’s name, address and telephone number must be written on the back of each photo.

For further information, please call Nora Wallner 416 445-2254 or Vaike Külvet 416 925-6552,
Photo competition 2008, foto autor Vaike Külvet...
Archived Articles