Our local scouts and guides are fortunate to have Kotkajärve, our prize of a campground in Muskoka, at our disposal. Kotkajärve provides yearround opportunities for outdoor adventure and challenge, and we strive to use the camp facilities as often as possible.
With the generous support of the community, a vision has come to fruition. The new Põhjakotka Tare provides a wonderful modern building with flexible user space, washing facilities and storage that will be used for generations to come by the Pohjakõtka cubs & scouts as well as other users of Kotkajärve.
The Põhjakotka Scout group would like to take the opportunity to thank every one of the very generous donors who contributed towards the construction of new tare. Without your support this project never would have been realized and we are very thankful!
The names of all donors will be featured on a plaque, prominently hung in the new building.
Platinum Sponsors
Agur, Enno ja Anne perega; Akadeemilised Kanada Eesti Naised (AKEN); Leis, Endel mälestuseks; Lembitu Küla; Lindvere, Andres, Kuldar, Kristjan ja Karl; Northern Birch Credit Union; skm. Evald Oder’i perekond; Otsa, Eduard; Sumberg, August mälestuseks; Taul, Andres mälestuseks
Gold Sponsors
Allas, Ellen; Hess, Laas; Hogg, David; Kangro, Aino ja Kristjan mälestuseks; Kapp, Arnold ja Salme mälestuseks; Kivi, Aleks; Kivi, Ester; Kivi, Harold mälestuseks; Kuttis, Erik; Leppik, Peeter; Marley, Toomas; Mell, Endel; Merilo, Eha ja Toomas; Merilo, Mark; Metsaülikool; Mölder, Tauno ja Maimu; Parming, Veiko; Pede, Martin; Remmel, perekond; Rotalia, Korporatsioon; Sambla, Paul; Trei, Robi; Truuvert ja Tralla perekonnad; Türk, Kaari; Ugala, Korporatsioon; Valvur, Ken; Vessmann, Allan *esimene annetaja / first donor; Vironia, Korporatsioon
Altosaar, Tõnu; Amicitia, Korporatsioon; Evard, Ants, Mark ja Taivo; Indla, Korporatsioon; Kase-Hogg, Selma; Kivi, Andres; Kotkajärve pereemad; Kreem, Madis; Lindre, Bruno ja Elsa mälestuseks; Pajo, Rein ja Maret; Poolsaar, perekond; Puust, Rändar; Randsalu, Eerik; Sakala, Korporatsioon; Schaer, Mihkel; Sehr, Eric; Sehr, Paul; Smirnoff, J.; Türk, Peter
Bronze Sponsors
Agur, Erik ja Amy; Agur, Kristina; Altosaar, Mikk; Amolins, Kalle; Eesti Naisüliõpilaste Selts; Hurt Høvik, Tiiu mälestuseks; Kazakoff, Nick ja Linda; Kolga, Andres; Kolga, Heikki; Kolga, Linda; Kolga, Monika ja Marcus; Kurrik, Ilomai; Leivat, Risto; Lillakas, Paul; McConnon, Paul; Nieländer, Kristiina; Nikker, Priit; Pavelson, Lisett; Raamat, Leks; Rama Raiders; Raudsepp, Andres; Ruppert, Eric; Saun, perekond; Soolepp, Linda ja Margus; Tamm, Inge; Thorne, Krista ja Alastair; Tiisler, Helgi; Timusk, Markus; Toome, Mihkel; Toronto Eesti Selts; Valter, Hugo mälestuseks; Young, Dylan
Other Sponsors
Carrascal, Fernando; Didzbalis, Eric ja Erika; Fleming, Lisa; Harrison, Blake; Kirsteins, Anne; Lepp, Siiri; Loo, Eda; Macedo, JP; Mändra, Ester; Marley, Katrin; Nõmmik, Maimu *esimene rahvusvaheline annetaja / first international donor; Pede, Vilme; Pihl, Malle; Randsalu, Arne; Revesz, Leikki; Tooming, Hendrik; Vanaselja, Heli