If electors want to be reassured that parliamentary legislators are not influenced by those that fund party money coffers, with money that can't be traced, then funding must be transparent and control mechanisms in place, writes "Äripäev's" columnist, Heidit Kaio.
Poliitiline rahapesu on muutunud käibetõeks Äripäev (english)
Kuumad uudised | 05 Mar 2002 | EEEWR
Poliitiline rahapesu on muutunud käibetõeks Kui valijad tahava olla kindlad, et nende elu ei sätitaks Riigikogus raha mõju all, mille päritolu jääb saladuseks, siis on erakondade rahastamisse vaja selgust ja mitmeid kontrollmehhanisme, kirjutab oma kommentaaris Äripäeva reporter Heidit Kaio.
If electors want to be reassured that parliamentary legislators are not influenced by those that fund party money coffers, with money that can't be traced, then funding must be transparent and control mechanisms in place, writes "Äripäev's" columnist, Heidit Kaio.
If electors want to be reassured that parliamentary legislators are not influenced by those that fund party money coffers, with money that can't be traced, then funding must be transparent and control mechanisms in place, writes "Äripäev's" columnist, Heidit Kaio.
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