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Preliminary Report on the Application for 954-958 Broadview Avenue and 72 Chester Hill Road
25 Apr 2019 Allan Meiusi
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The Director for Community Planning in Toronto and East York District has released their preliminary report on the development application for 954-958 Broadview Avenue and 72 Chester Hill Road. The report outlines many areas of concern to city planners as well as specific characteristics of Revera's proposed development that contravene by-laws applicable to the sites; including key aspects of the Broadview Development Plan adopted on June 7, 2016. The application is for a building that is: "18 storeys tall (55.7 metres, excluding mechanical penthouse) consisting of 18,270 square metres of gross floor area (GFA)." (page 2)

The concerns of the City are spelled out specifically in the report and, in general, focus on:

• the height of the proposed tower that will be situated on top the rear portion of the Chester Public School building;
• the density and scale of the proposed complex versus the allowable ratio between building and lot sizes for the 4 properties;
• non-conformance to required setbacks from Broadview Ave for the proposed height;
• functionality and usage in relation to neighbouring properties.

As an example, the City notes that the floor space index (FSI) of the proposed development is 3.86, whereas the greatest density allowed on any of the four properties is 2.7 times the area of the lot. Revera's proposal represents 130% of the allowable FSI.

The City will host community meetings regarding the proposal sometime at the end of May or in June. After neighbours and other stakeholders have had their opportunity to comment on the proposed development, the planners will make their recommendations to city councillors at the end of their study process.

Allan Meiusi, EWR Contributor.