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Presented by Estonian Credit Union Toronto
16 May 2018 EWR Online
Presented by Estonian Credit Union
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Are you ready?

Estos Rock at Lee's Palace, presented by the Estonian Credit Union

Friday, May 25th 2018

With DIANA, Pia Fraus, Erki Pärnoja, Sander Mölder, The Leslie Spits, Kaili Kinnon

We are so excited, and we just can't hide it.

Mark your calendars and join us for a night of dancing. As event sponsors, we'll be giving away great prizes throughout the evening. Look for our staff the night of for more details and for your chance to win.

Checkout the lineup here and buy your tickets online or in branch today!

Questions? Contact us in branch today!
(416) 465-4659 TF: 1-866-844-3828
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Toronto, ON M4K 2R6

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