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http://avalon.law.yale.edu/imt...The final aims of the attack on the Soviet Union were formulated at a conference with Hitler on July 16, 1941, in which the defendants Goering, Keitel, Rosenberg and Bormann participated:
" There can be no talk of the creation of a military power west of the Urals, even if we should have to fight 100 years to achieve this . . . All the Baltic regions must become part of the Reich. The Crimea and adjoining regions (North of the Crimea) must likewise be incorporated into the Reich. The region of the Volga as well as the Baku district must likewise be incorporated into the Reich. The Finns want Eastern Karelia. However, in view of the large deposits of nickel, the Kola peninsula must be ceded to Germany."
The plans for the economic exploitation of the U.S.S.R., for the removal of masses of the population, for the murder of Commissars and political leaders, were all part of the carefully prepared scheme launched on the 22nd June without warning of any kind, and without the shadow of legal excuse. It was plain aggression.
In 1935, Himmler contacted author Yrjö von Grönhagen, after seeing one of his articles about the Kalevala folklore, published in a Frankfurt newspaper. Grönhagen agreed to lead a voyage through the Karelia region of Finland, to record pagan sorcerers and witches. Because there was uncertainty about whether the Karelians would allow photography, Finnish illustrator Ola Forsell also accompanied the team. Musicologist Fritz Bose brought along a magnetophon hoping to record the pagan chants.
The team departed for their expedition in June 1936. The team’s first success was with a traditional singer, Timo Lipitsä, who knew a song closely resembling one in the Kalevala although he was unaware of the book. Later, in Tolvajärvi, the team photographed and recorded Hannes Vornanen playing a traditional Finnish kantele.
One of the trip’s final successes was in finding Miron-Aku, a soothsayer believed to be a witch by locals. Upon meeting the group, she claimed to have foreseen their arrival. The team persuaded her to perform a ritual for the camera and tape recorder in which she could summon the spirits of ancestors and “divine future events.”
The team also recorded information on Finnish saunas.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A...Esimesed Saksa väed saabusid Petsamosse 1941. aasta 7. juunil.
Ööl vastu 22. juunit 1941, kui algas Saksa-Nõukogude sõda, mineerisid Soome allveelaevad koostöös Saksa miinilaevadega Soome lahe, et pidurdada Nõukogude Balti laevastiku tegutsemist Läänemerel. Operatsioonis osales kolm soomlaste allveelaeva. Esimene meremiin paigaldati Soome allveelaevalt Eesti rannikule 22. juunil 1941 kell 7:28.
Soome merejõud alustasid 22. juunil operatsiooni Kilpapurjehdus millega paigutati desarmeeritud Ahvenamaale Soome väed.
29. juulil 1941. alustasid sõjategevust NSV Liidu vastu Põhja-Soomes asunud Saksa armee 21. armee ja 20. mägidiviisi väeosad, kelle rünnak oli suunatud Murmanski suunas, eesmärgiga ära lõigata nõukogude Põhjamere transportsõlm, mille kaudu saabus USA ja Inglismaa sõjavarustus.