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President Kaljulaid, Ivanka Trump discuss Estonia's e-state - ERR
15 Feb 2019 EWR Online
Kersti Kaljulaid and Ivanka Trump. PHOTO: Presidendi kantselei - pics/2019/02/53110_001.jpg
Kersti Kaljulaid and Ivanka Trump. PHOTO: Presidendi kantselei
President Kersti Kaljulaid met today with US Presidential advisor Ivanka Trump on Friday, discussing, amongst other things, the empowerment of women.

"Right now, our lives are being influenced and transformed by robotics, algorithms and AI. When talking about women's empowerment, we should act fast because we need new kind of empowerment,'' President Kaljulaid said during the meeting, at the Munich Security Conference in Germany.

''Technology is a great equaliser, and we need to make up for all of those kilometres that separate women from an equally free choice of benefitting from technological developments globally," the President said, according to a press release.

The president also introduced Estonia's digigirls initiative to Ms Trump.