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President Sandu: Russia wants regime change in Moldova
13 Feb 2023 EWR Online
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Moldova's president Maia Sandu said that Russia wants to destabilize the situation in the Republic of Moldova.

The plan provided for the involvement of military-trained subversives, camouflaged as civilians, who were going to carry out violent actions, attack some state buildings and take hostages. "Through violent actions, masked under protests of the so-called opposition, the change of power in Chisinau was to be forced. The documents received from our Ukrainian partners demonstrate a good documentation of the locations and logistical aspects for the organization of these subversive activities. Also, the plan involves the use of people from outside the country for violent actions. The materials contain instructions on the rules of entry into the Republic of Moldova for citizens of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, Serbia and Montenegro. I assure you that the state institutions work to prevent these challenges and keep the situation under control," said Maia Sandu.

The president noted that in carrying out the plan, the authors would have relied on internal forces, especially on criminal groups such as Shor formation, some veterans, former employees of the law enforcement and people known for their ties to Vladimir Plahotniuc.

"The purpose of these actions is to overthrow the constitutional order, to change the legal power in Chisinau to an illegal one, which would put our country at Russia's disposal, in order to stop the European integration process, but also so that the Republic of Moldova can be used by Russia in the war against Ukraine. All those who participate in these actions directed against the state, and all those who protect them, must be investigated. The safety of citizens and the security of the country is our primary concern and we will do whatever is necessary to protect our state and citizens, peace and public order. I urge you to remain vigilant, to be careful and to believe the official information, because the most aggressive form of attack is the informational attack", said Maia Sandu.

Also, the head of state requested the Parliament to adopt, as soon as possible, the draft laws that will provide the SIS and the prosecutor's office with the necessary tools to combat more effectively the risks to the country's security.