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Press release
14 Nov 2001 EE

Washington, DC (JBANC) - On November 7, the House of Representatives passed House bill HR 3167, which endorses a bipartisan vision of NATO enlargement, by an overwhelming margin of 372-46. Congressman Doug Bereuter of Nebraska was the bills principal sponsor. The bill was christened by the House International Relations Committee as the Gerald B. H. Solomon Freedom Consolidation Act, after the late New York Congressman Solomon, who was one of the strongest proponents of NATO enlargement in Congress.

The Senate introduced its identical version of the bill, S. 1572, on October 24, the same day as the House, with Sen. Jesse Helms as the main sponsor. There are 18 additional co-sponsors at this time: George Allen, Sam Brownback, Michael DeWine, Richard Durbin, Michael B. Enzi, Bill Frist, Charles Grassley, Chuck Hagel, Orrin G. Hatch, Jon Kyl, Joseph Lieberman, Trent Lott, Richard Lugar, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Barbara Mikulski, Gordon Smith, and George V. Voinovich.

Your help is greatly needed in getting more Senate co-sponsors for S. 1572 - the Freedom Consolidation Act. Please write to your local Senate offices and also consider faxing copies of your letter to the Senate offices in Washington, DC. This legislation is a barometer of the position of Congress on further NATO enlargement.

It would be helpful to also thank those who have already co-sponsored S. 1572 and those members of the House who voted for H.R. 3167. We need to let our friends in Congress know we appreciate their support.

Below are talking points and a sample letter. Text of the legislation can be found on the Thomas website (, by typing in S. 1572. Also, floor statements from the House deliberation can be found in the Thomas Daily Digest of November 7 (look under House Chamber Action, pages H7861-H7877 of the Congressional Record).

Talking points :

1. I am your constituent and I have a strong interest in the passage of the Freedom Consolidation Act 2001 (S. 1572).

2. I urge you to support this bill because it affirms the bipartisan policy of both former President Clinton and President Bush to make Europe whole, free, undivided and secure by enlarging NATO.

3. NATO enlargement would add resolve and resources to our most important alliance, thereby contributing to our vital national objective: victory in the global campaign against terrorism.

4. NATO is our most important alliance and its enlargement would make the U.S. stronger and more secure, Europe more stable and the NATO organization more effective.

5. NATO should be enlarged in 2002. The Baltic countries of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and other aspirant countries that meet NATO standards should be admitted.

Sample letter to your U.S. Senator:

The Honorable___________ (date) (address of local office)

Dear Senator______:

I am writing to urge you to support the Freedom Consolidation Act 2001 (S. 1572). This bill is important to me because it endorses the vision of a Europe whole, undivided, free and secure and reaffirms the strong and bipartisan Congressional commitment to NATO enlargement in 2002.

In the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks on the United States, NATO enlargement is especially important because it would affirm our recognition that collective self defense remains vital to our national interests. A stronger NATO alliance would assist us in the global campaign against the scourge of terrorism.

NATO should be enlarged at the 2002 Summit meeting to include the Baltic countries of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and other aspirant countries that meet NATO standards for membership.

Sincerely, ____/s/_______

Your full name and address

The Joint Baltic American National Committee, Inc. (JBANC) represents the American Latvian Association, Inc., the Estonian American National Committee, Inc., and the Lithuanian American Council, Inc.



Representing: Estonian American National Council, Inc. American Latvian Association, Inc. Lithuanian American Council, Inc.

400 Hurley Avenue Rockville, MD 20850

Tel: (301) 340-1954 Fax: (301) 309-1406 E-Mail: Net:

