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Private Members Motion M-238 advances cause of visa-free visits
09 Sep 2005 Estonian Central Council in Canada

The Estonian Central Council in Canada has waged a prolonged campaign with the Canadian government to remove a vexing obstacle to developing closer and beneficial relations with Estonia – visitor visas.

The Council has noted no discernible progress in this lobby effort.

Borys Wrzesnewskyi, MP, has tabled the Private Members Motion (M-238) to address the problem. Although this legislative procedure is cumbersome and seldom guarantees success, it at least raises the visibility of the issue amongst Canadian Members of Parliament at a time that the European Union would also be dealing with it. MPs have an obligation to forward the concerns of their constituents to the proper government authorities.

This particular non-partisan issue in all likelihood will find support amongst MPs, especially voters’ home riding MPs.

Possible content of letters:

Dear … MP

I urge you to support Member of Parliament Borys Wrzesnewskyj’s Private Members Motion (M-238) regarding the lifting of visitor visas for Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia.

These visas hinder the growth of normal relations with Canada.Canadians with origins in these countries see the current visa requirements as a vestige of the cold war period. I’m convinced that visa free travel will help develop mutually beneficial ties with Canada.

Dear … MP

As a Canadian of Estonian heritage I feel frustrated that the Canadian government fails to see the necessity of removing visitorvisa requirements for Estonia. As a member of the European Union, a NATO partner of Canada, Estonia should be treated equally with other EU and NATO countries.

I urge you to support Private Members Motion (M-238) tabled by Borys Wrzesnewskyj, MP, dealing with this problem.

Dear … MP

Canada’s reluctance to eliminate visa requirements for Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia is puzzling for Canadians with family origins in these countries.

The Canadian government has often insisted that enhanced relations with these countries would benefit Canada. Relations would definitely improve with restrictions removed and travel conditions simplified through visa-free visits.

I strongly urge you to support Private Members Motion (M-238) tabled by Borys Wrzesnewskyj MP concerning this issue.


For further information regarding the visa problem call the Council at 416 465 2219 or the Consulate at 416 461 0764.
