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Program Allows Young Entrepreneurs To Create New Businesses And Gain CNW
08 Jul 2004 EWR Online
Program Allows Young Entrepreneurs To Create New Businesses And Gain
First-hand Experience

TORONTO, July 8 /CNW/ - The Ontario government is providing more than 200
students, aged 15-29, with first-hand experience in turning their new summer
businesses into thriving enterprises, Minister of Economic Development and
Trade Joseph Cordiano said today.
Through Ontario's Summer Company program, enterprising students receive
hands-on business training and mentoring, awards of up to $3,000 and gain the
essential assistance needed to start and grow a successful business.
"Summer Company is a fantastic opportunity to encourage the
entrepreneurial spirit," said Cordiano. "Ninety-three percent of businesses in
Ontario are small businesses and the McGuinty government knows that by
fostering an environment where the innovators of tomorrow have a chance to
succeed we are creating an atmosphere for more, better jobs in the future."
Amanda Kali Bent of Toronto, owner of Kali's Crepes, got her start
through Summer Company. "Being an entrepreneur was an empowering learning
experience," she said. "Coming up with an idea and seeing it through was
amazing. The skills I learned while running my business were far more valuable
than the money I made."
Small Business Enterprise Centres help deliver the Summer Company program
across the province. This year, the province is providing $600,000 for the
program. Christine Porter is a mentor volunteering with the Brampton Small
Business Enterprise Centre, providing her business skills and expertise to a
number of young entrepreneurs. She says the experience has been rewarding for
her as well.
"This is an exciting opportunity to encourage the new and upcoming
entrepreneurs within our community. I take great pleasure encouraging them to
believe in themselves and manage their businesses successfully. It's not easy
being an entrepreneur, but with excellent support, dreams can become reality."
Summer Company applications were due by April 1, 2004. Through a
competitive process, based on the business plans submitted, understanding of
the business idea and the probability of success, students are selected and
given a chance to develop their entrepreneurial skills.
"New and growing firms are essential to the success of Ontario's
economy," said Cordiano. "Summer Company is a great opportunity for students
to learn the ropes and gain the skills needed to build a business."
For information on this and other programs designed to help young
entrepreneurs, contact the ministry's Web site listed below or your local
Small Business Enterprise Centre.