Archived Articles | 02 Dec 2008  | EWR OnlineEWR
The proposed Liberal/Bloc/NDP Coalition is something that is alarming to Canadians. Those who voted for the Liberal party did not believe they would get a government with socialist economic policies, controlled by a party committed to breaking up Canada.

That the Liberal Party of Trudeau and Laurier would willingly turn control of the Government of Canada to the Separatist Bloc Quebecois demonstrates the extent to which they will trade Canada’s best interests for the sake of getting power.

In the last election, Canadians rejected the option of Stephane Dion as Prime Minister – and the maneuvering of the Liberals to get power shows a fundamental lack of respect for the Canadian electorate.

NEWS RELEASE, December 1, 2008
Office of Peter Van Loan, MP, York-Simcoe

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Isa02 Dec 2008 09:50
Tragic. If Peter were to reflect on his own behaviour, and that of his keeper, Mr. Harper, over the past sessions and after the election in 2004 (when they proposed their own coalition with the NDP and Bloc), he might have a different view. Perhaps, in time, he will see the error of his and his keeper’s ways:
-The toxic atmosphere that they inspired in the House of Commons that led to a complete inability to govern;
-The debilitating pathological Putin-esque obsession with destroying all Canadian opposition parties and winning a majority;
-Praying on the ethno-cultural sensitivities of some of the more politically naïve members of our community by blatantly embellishing claims for policies they had little or nothing to do with;
-the shameful attempt to mischaracterize as somehow illegal, the legitimate constitutional provision that allows the Governor General to request that the Official Opposition form a government when the current minority government has lost the confidence of the House of Commons.

In contrast to Peter's desperate and intellectually dishonest plea: The Coalition offers hope that -unlike the current government- partisanship will be set aside to govern responsibly to put the interests of the country ahead of childish partisan games.

And as one voice among the majority of Canadians who did not vote for the current government, I applaud the leadership that will help put our government back on track to doing what it is elected to do: govern.

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