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Rahvusvahelised uudised
President Ilves Maailma Majandusfoorumil: ilma digitaalse ühisturuta kaotab Euroopa konkurentsivõime
“Euroopas ei ole täna veel toimivat digitaalset ühisturgu ja kui riigid ei saa aru vajadusest tagada elektrooniliste teenuste vabaks liikumiseks ...
Freedom House Cites 'Serious Setbacks' In Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan
The U.S.-based rights watchdog Freedom House says Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Azerbaijan are among countries that experienced "serious ...
Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania On Situation in Ukraine
We are following with great concern the events in Ukraine that have been created by the insensitivity of the Ukrainian government towards the will of ...
Ilves in Davos: countries that honour democracy, human rights and the principles of a state based on the rule of law can be partners of the European U
"Democracy, human rights and rule of law are the three principles that form the foundation for the solidarity of the European Union.
Support for education in Jordan
Amman, Jordan
23 January 2014
It is estimated that 35 per cent of the Syrian refugees in host communities in Jordan are school-aged children who are ...
OTSEPILT: Ukraina meeleavaldajad ja julgeolekujõud sõlmisid Klõtško palvel õhtuni vaherahu
Toimetas Lauri Laugen
OTSEPILT: Ukraina meeleavaldajad ja julgeolekujõud sõlmisid Klõtško palvel õhtuni vaherahu
Foto: GENJA ...
Ukraine President Yanukovych meets with opposition after deadly clashes
Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych has met with opposition leaders following a violent outburst that left three people dead.
US security firm accuses Russia of hacking companies
US cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike said Wednesday it had gathered evidence that the Russian government spied on hundreds of companies in America, ...
Far-Right Ukrainian Opposition Group Vows 'Guerrilla' War'
As Ukraine's pro-European protests descend into violence, with demonstrators sustaining their first fatalities, attention has focused on the ...
Canada's New Asylum System a Success
In the year since comprehensive reforms to Canada’s asylum system took effect, the number of new asylum claims from safe countries has decreased to ...
Paet kutsus üles Ukrainas vägivalda lõpetama
Välisminister Urmas Paet mõistis hukka vägivaldsete sündmuste eskaleerumise Ukrainas, mille tulemusena on hukkunuid ning kutsus kõiki osalisi ...
Kiievis kestab vastasseis meeleavaldajate ja julgeolekujõudude vahel, Video LIVE DELFI kaudu Täiendatud.
Toimetas Lauri Laugen
OTSEPILT: Kiievis kestab vastasseis meeleavaldajate ja julgeolekujõudude vahel, hukkunud on kaks inimest
Ukraina ...
Janukovitš keeldus Klitškoga kohtumast, protestid Kiievis jätkuvad
Ukraine Protest
Foto: Sergei Grits, AP
Ukraina president Viktor Janukovitš keeldus teisipäeval kohtumast opositsioonijuhi Vitali ...
PM meets with Israeli leaders in Jerusalem
Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of the State of Israel, joined by members of the Canadian delegation, ...
RIA: Eestisse jõudis andmed pöördumatult loetamatuks muutev pahavara
Eelmisel nädalal ...
Eurozone bank network getting smaller
The number of banks in the eurozone fell by almost 4 percent in 2013, according to data published Tuesday (21 January) by the European Central Bank.
Estonia will make its last ESM payment in April
Estonia will have to pay altogether 149 million euros in the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), of which four fifths has been paid
Moldova rännak Euroopasse Postimees
Kristel Abel, TLÜ kommunikatsiooni instituudi õppejõud
Moldova on üks Euroopa vaesemaid riike, mille SKTst veerand tuleb välismaal teenitud ...
Visa-Free Regime Requires 'Safe Environment'
An official from the European Union spoke out about several concerns over Russia during a visit to Moscow on Friday, warning that plans for a ...
Eesti stendi vastu Grüne Wochel suur huvi
Berliinis toimuval maailma suurimal toidu- ja põllumajandusmessil Grüne Woche 2014 on Eesti stendi vastu olnud erakordselt suur huvi.
Lithuanian “Fools” Risk Delaying Rail Baltic, Says Estonian Minister
Rail Baltic was supposed to be a big joint project between Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, among others, to build a European gauge railway network ...
From “ugly duckling” to nice swan: Latvia congratulated in Washington, DC on joining the Eurozone
On January 16, the Delegation of the European Union to the United States in Washington, DC hosted a celebration in honor of Latvia’s adoption to ...
EU-Russia summit reduced to short meeting
A summit between the European Union and Russia has been reduced in size and scope, and a dinner with Vladimir Putin, Russia's president, has ...
DAS Rose Visits Estonia to Discuss Strategic Stability Issues
Frank Rose, U.S. State Department Deputy Assistant Secretary for arms control, verification, and compliance, visited Tallinn from January 14-15
Estonia condemns laws restricting freedoms of Ukrainians, says foreign minister
Estonia has condemned the adopted amendments to the Criminal Code of Ukraine, including the laws introducing criminal liability for extremism, mass ...
US Congress Seeks to Globalize Magnitsky Act
Vladimiri Kara Murza
This week, a bipartisan group of US senators introduced a new bill, S.1933 (the Global Human Rights Accountability Act), that ...
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