In August the Russian information agency wrote: “Whatever sacred principle is used in the name of limiting freedom, be it a better ‘estonianism’ or an improved choice of food, it’s still the beginning of an occupation.” explained that it referred to President Kersti Kaljulaid observations about the possibility of ‘self-occupation’ and the posting caused numerous comments throughout Russian media.
The same posting quotes Justice Minister Urmas Reinsalu from a few years ago when he stated that “the government, jointly with Latvia and Lithuania, plans to demand reparations (from Russia) for the Soviet occupation period”. The article continues to say that “the Baltic states joined the Soviet Union in the summer of 1940 and all three states deem that event to be the start of the Soviet occupation”. It’s clear that the author does not differentiate between the destruction of established democratic institutions and the invasion of sovereign and independent countries. The article tiresomely ignores the fact that the Baltic states’ “parliaments”, illegally assembled by the Soviet invaders, were simply the extensions of Moscow’s expansionist intention of annexing the three republics. It’s the mindless repetition of the one myth that has been totally rejected by historians and statesmen worldwide, that the Baltic states, of their own free will volunteered to join the Soviet Union. It’s this unabashed fabrication of historical reality that drives the Kremlin’s relentless expressions of ownership of its neighbours.
The Russian news agency Regnum stated in a headline that, “The attempt to draw parallels between Nazism and communism has failed in the Baltic states” in reference to a Tallinn conference marking the August 23, 1939 signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact between the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. It said: ”A joint decision on the necessity of investigating the crimes of communism was reached by European justice ministers convened in Tallinn. Although the conference was labeled as pan-European, Greece boycotted the event openly. Correspondence from the Greek minister of Justice Stavros Kontonis to his Estonian counterpart, Urmas Reinsalu, stated that the Greek government and people cannot accept an invitation that calls on participants to equate fascism with communism.`` At the same time Estonian parliamentarian Loone (Oudekki Loone, member of Estonian parliament known as Kremlin-friendly. Ed.) thanked the Greek minister publically and said that ``Estonia is not a Nazi country and Nazis are in the minority here as they are elsewhere``.
Russian TV channel Pervoi however showed TV footage of the European Parliament in the process of condemning torch light parades, the processions of SS veterans and similar `suspicious events` that have developed in Estonia and Latvia. The footage stated that United Leftists of Europe caucus of the EU parliament emphasized that gatherings of ex-SS division veterans occurs with the blessings of the Baltic governments. The caucus, the program noted, is currently preparing legislation that would condemn the promotion of Nazi ideology and would enforce economic sanctions against the Baltic states for their support of Nazism.
The information agency Regnum uses aggressive terminology in reference to the same alleged events in the Baltic states: “The Baltics is not Northern Europe or even Europe, because their antisocial, xenophobic and nationalistic development has no commonality with Europe.”
Yaan Toom, meber of the EU parliament from Estonia appeared once again on Russian TV channel Rossija 1. She called Vladimir Putin an “excellent president”, hyperbole that even surprised the program’s host. She also stated that 41% of Russians and Estonians believe that NATO forces that are present in Estonia increase the possibility of armed conflict. Ultra-nationalist Russain politician, Vladimir Zirinovski, in an emotional outburst, claimed that Russians in Estonians who think otherwise are traitors, ready to sell themselves to anybody. Toom (who, apparently did not hear Zirinovsky’s accusation correctly) agreed.
The media, in Russia, even the news agencies and websites that aren’t deliberately fabricating and twisting historical fact and current events, still portray a “holier-than-thou-the-Baltics-are–the-root-cause-of-all-evil” stance. The unabashed, often outrageous, accusations are consumed by Russian-speakers in Estonia, whose daily source of information originates from Russia, not Estonia, irrespective of the language of the broadcast. This is a major problem, for which no one has offered a feasible solution.
Laas Leivat
Recent “facts” about Estonia in Russia media Estonian Life
Rahvusvahelised uudised | 10 Sep 2017 | EL (Estonian Life)Eesti Elu
Rahvusvahelised uudised