Recent themes about Estonia in Russian media Estonian Life
Rahvusvahelised uudised | 28 Apr 2017  | EL (Estonian Life)EWR

Laas Leivat

In march, the dominant themes in coverage of Estonia by Russian media were Estonia’s chronic ‘case of russophobia’, the country’s failing economy and the danger from the USA.

In certain outlets this has been relatively intense. In the Komersant news portal, Estonia was mentioned more than 50 times in one month. The news agency Regnum sends on at least two to three stories every day about Estonia.

New Inform, in its website posted a lengthy article entitled “Beautiful life has ended. The Baltic countries surrender to Russia without a fight”. The article states that the countries have reached such dire straits, that they are compelled to turn to Russia for help. It continues to say that the largesse of the European Union cannot be sustained indefinitely. The trip by Estonian parlamentarians to Russia in April will show that Estonia has to turn to Russia for assistance and drastically reduce its open hostility towards Moscow.

The news portal E-News, the voice of pro-Moscow Russians in Eastern Ukraine, has analyzed the reasons for the decrease in transit of materials from Russia through Estonia and its drastic reduction within the last six years (seven years ago the events surrounding the ‘Bronze soldier’ caused a temporary drop). In addition the analysis states that the Baltic states support the EU sanctions against Russia. But the fast improvement to Russian ports will mean the total elimination of any Russian transit through the Baltic states and consequently the loss for them of a lucrative service. (Pikemalt Eesti Elu 28. aprilli paberlehest)
Rahvusvahelised uudised