Remarks by President Obama at at 25th Anniversary of Freedom Day -- Warsaw, Poland (1)
Rahvusvahelised uudised | 04 Jun 2014  | EWR OnlineEWR
Castle Square
Warsaw, Poland
PRESIDENT OBAMA: Hello, Warsaw! (Applause.) Witaj, Polsko! (Applause.)

Mr. President; Mr. Prime Minister; Madam Mayor; heads of state and government, past and present -- including the man who jumped that shipyard wall to lead a strike that became a movement, the prisoner turned president who transformed this nation -- thank you, Lech Walesa, for your outstanding leadership. (Applause.)

Distinguished guests, people of Poland, thank you for your extraordinary welcome and for the privilege of joining you here today. I bring with me the greetings and friendship of the American people -- and of my hometown of Chicago, home to so many proud Polish Americans. (Applause.) In Chicago, we think of ourselves as a little piece of Poland. In some neighborhoods, you only hear Polish. The faithful come together at churches like Saint Stanislaus Kostka. We have a parade for Polish Constitution Day. And every summer, we celebrate the Taste of Polonia, with our kielbasa and pierogies, and we’re all a little bit Polish for that day. (Applause.) So being here with you, it feels like home. (Applause.) ..............

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What a pile of b.s.!06 Jun 2014 09:13
I doubt that Obama believes any of this! The Poles certainly shouldn't.
When the Russians asked the U.S. to remove missile defences from Poland, Obama only asked, "How fast?"

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