Requiem on the Baltic (2)
Eestlased Eestis | 23 Jul 2004  | EWR
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A 60 year passage since escaping Soviet occupation
Laas Leivat, Kindralmajor Ants Laaneots, Viitseadmiral Tarmo Kõuts, Avo Kittask - pics/2004/kdd9.jpg
Laas Leivat, Kindralmajor Ants Laaneots, Viitseadmiral Tarmo Kõuts, Avo Kittask

Tucked amongst the mammoth Estonian Song and Dance Festival and the persevering ESTO 2004 major events, was an unobtrusive yet powerful ceremony – “Requiem on the Baltic”, on board the “Admiral Pitka”, flagship of Estonia’s navy.

Sixty years ago thousands of Estonians perished in the stormy Baltic Sea while frantically escaping the invading Red Army. Some historians have put the unconfirmed losses as high as 30,000. The options in 1944 were bleak: whether to face death and/or slave labour or the perils of fleeing west under severe conditions in flimsy, overcrowded sailboats.

Participating in an on-board memorial service and wreath laying ceremony at sea to those who were killed or drowned while seeking a safe haven were Udo Petersoo, archbishop of the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church, Vice-admiral Tarmo Kõuts, commander of the Estonian Defense Forces, col. Tõnis Nõmmik head chaplain of the Estonian Defense Forces, Lennart Meri, Estonia’s ex-president, Trivimi Velliste M.P. and ex-foreign minister, and many other public figures and representatives of Estonian organizations worldwide.

Providing musical solemnity while wreaths were lowered into the sea were the Estonian Defense Forces Orchestra and the Toronto Estonian Male Chorus, directed by Lembit Saan and Charles Kipper resp. With wreaths floating on sea waves a three gun salute from the “Admiral Pitka” marked the end of the actual ceremony.

Before and after the service which included moving eulogies and speeches the Chorus and Orchestra led the participants in rousing renditions of songs dating back to pre-war Estonia and familiar to all.

The commemoration, co-ordinated by Avo Kittask, president of the Estonian Central Council in Canada in collaboration with Pro Patria Union leader Tunne Kelam M.P. and Capt. Peeter Tali of the Estonian Defense Forces HQ was conducted with military precision – in stark contrast to the heartbreak and panic in the same waters 60 years ago.

A larger event planned by the Estonian Central Council for September 26th in the Estonian House in Toronto will more comprehensively commemorate the anniversary of the sad flight of Estonians from their homeland.

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Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Osaleja23 Jul 2004 13:33
See toimus 6.juulil. Kuna oli lubatud ainult piiratud arv admiral Pitka pardale, siis ei olnud võimalik üritusest laiemalt reklaamida.
Anonymous23 Jul 2004 09:41
Kas sellest on pilti ka?
Millal see toimus?

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Eestlased Eestis

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