Jaanuary 31th !
· Please come to learn about the Tartu University International Summer University where the programm director Eve Raeste will answer your questions!
http://www.fl.ut.ee/145039· This is a great programme where people from around the world go to learn Estonian, whether they need to learn for their business interests or just want to brush up their skills.
· It is an opportunity to learn in true immersion...two weeks in Tartu!
§ parents and open to the public 7.30
§ students and teachers 8.45
§ Estonian House, Crystal Hall
If there is enough interest in this programme by parents, the Toronto Estonian Schools would like to support graduates of gümnaasium to take the course this summer and for this to become a tradition for all those who graduate gümnaasium!!
Tuesday January 31st
· Eve Raeste of the Tartu University International Summer University
http://www.fl.ut.ee/145039· will provide info again, along with 2 former students, Sonja Smith (driving in from St. Catharine's with photos, etc.) and Julie Hommik!!
· Come to Estonian House upper level girl guide-boy scout noorteruum at 7.30 in conjunction with Pireti and Tiia’s classes. Everyone welcome!