Rõivas: A country is successful when the dreams of its young people come to pass
Eestlased Eestis | 23 May 2014  | EWR OnlineEWR
Government Communications Unit, 23 May 2014
Prime Minister Taavi Rõivas thanked the young people who successfully participated in the student business competition, as well as their teachers.

Rõivas said that when he talked about great narratives in his inauguration speech in Riigikogu, he had in mind the young people who have dared to dream large and to move towards fulfilling these dreams. "My message was - it is the duty of a state to create an environment in which citizens can succeed," Rõivas said.

According to Rõivas, entrepreneurship is the base for Estonia's success. “Your start has been a success and I hope you will continue to think large and follow through with your ideas,” Rõivas said.

“You have the potential to improve life in Estonia, and maybe even the world,” the Prime Minister said.

18 years ago, Taavi Rõivas himself participated in the Junior Achievement programme, which offers entrepreneurship education to high-school students.

A total of 200 student companies participated in the Student Business Competition this year, with 16 of them reaching the final. The jury proclaimed the winners of the student company competition to be DK Training from Tallinn Õismäe Russian Lyceum, which offered communication training in Estonian and Russian to children in order to help them communicate better, make friends and cooperate.

The second prize went to the EasyClip student company, which produced clips for fastening earplugs. Third place was awarded to the Sants company from Tallinna Reaalkool, which has created a job-intermediating web environment for occasional, seasonal and flexible jobs.

The title of Entrepreneurship Teacher of the Year was awarded to Ene Saar and Estonia's Mentor of the Year is Indrek Kask.

The best student companies were proclaimed on 23 April in the Ahhaa centre in Tartu.

Photos: http://valitsus.ee/et/uudised/...

Eestlased Eestis