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Russia’s actions in Ukraine give KaPo report a special immediacy
04 May 2014 EL (Estonian Life)
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Laas Leivat

KaPo’s (Estonian Security Police) annual report has consistently, from year to year, focused on those aspects of its activities of which the Estonian public should be informed. Presenting the review is a tricky challenge. On the one hand, releasing such a report speaks to the necessity of openness and transparency in a democratic society. On the other hand the nature of covert services’ work demands the protection of sources, tradecraft, plans of actions etc .

KaPo has being tasked with national security, counterintelligence and large-scale cases of corruption. In releasing some of its operations to the public, it must maintain a delicate balance demanding integrity as well as astuteness.

Russia’s aggression against Ukraine simplified the choice of colour design for the report’s covers – blue/yellow. In addition the report gives special attention to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) with ties to Russia.
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(Pikemalt EE 2. mai paberlehes)