Russia's political prisoners - exhibition
Eestlased Venemaal | 04 Oct 2023  | EWR OnlineEWR
Photo: Ülo Isberg - pics/2023/10/60550_001_t.jpg
Photo: Ülo Isberg
The traveling exhibition "Faces of Russian Resistance Fighters" opened this Saturday in Tallinn. The exhibition about Russian political prisoners can be seen publicly at Freedom Square from October 1 to October 10, then for several months at the KGB Prison Museum.

Organizers of the exhibition: Reforum Space Tallinn, Vabamu Museum, Free Russia Foundation, and a group of municipal deputies and anti-war activists who left Russia.

Faces of Russian Resistance is a series of exhibitions in different cities around the world about Russians who oppose the criminal Putin regime, and paid for it with their freedom. The purpose of this exhibition is to tell Europeans about the fate of Russian political prisoners, to attract the attention of Western society to severe violations of human rights in Russia, to ensure that the issue of the release of Russian political prisoners is included in any communications with the Russian authorities that are carried out or will be held in the future.​

Photos: Ülo Isberg
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 - pics/2023/10/60550_002_t.jpg

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