ISEKIRIThe KGB-like junta that rules Moscow (and all Russia) is utilizing the massive profits from natural gas and oil that have fallen into its lap to buy up politicians liable to be corrupted in the present recession affected world as well as saturating external countries with its secret agents, people of influence and shadow organizations. Herewith in this we have placed under the microscope the shadow bureaus that are also being used as foreign policy instruments, some of these have been separately identified at the end of this posting…
The best example of these GONGOs — government organized/ operated/ non-governmental organizations – is the massive youth organization Naši, (in English “Ours”). Našism and other such so called popular movements or organizations, which have been founded from above, have been set up with the goal of squashing the sprouts of a genuine civil society in Russia. Yet našists also appear on the foreign policy front, an example is provided in the harassment of the diplomats at Estonia’s Moscow Embassy as well as diplomats from other countries who pose uncomfortable challenges to the regime. These pressure groups act as if they were part of a civil society while pretending to support the development of a free media, scientific studies, as well as religious beliefs. Similar false sincerity surrounds the recent “rebirth” of academic atheists, kgbists and Derzhana-minded activists (Derzhana is a populist nationalist party in Russia -ed.) when they raise the flag of St. Andrew (not only the patron saint of Scotland but the patron saint of Russia’s Orthodox church, known as Andrei Pervozvannõi - ed.) or when they passionately support the formation of new states, especially in its own so-called near-abroad. (See the GONGO IINES).
…. Similar to the recent swallowing of the expatriate Estonian Lutheran Church, three years ago, in 2007, the Russian Orthodox Moscow Patriarchate merged with the expatriate Russian orthodox church, this under the initiation and direction of Vladimir Putin….
The original article in Estonian can be found in its entirety here: