Russian intelligence after invading Ukraine (II) Estonian Life
Arvamus | 02 Nov 2019  | EL (Estonian Life)EWR
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The unit is named ‘29155’. It has been active for at least 10 years, but has been identified only recently by the West.

This Russian elite unit concentrates on subversion, sabotage and assassination particularly aimed at Europe. Western intelligence has not yet been able to establish how often the unit is deployed and predict when and what the next target is to be.

It has been responsible for the poisoning of ex-Russian spy, Sergei Skripal in the UK, the poisoning of a weapons dealer in Bulgaria, the destabilization campaign in Moldovia and the attempted coup in Montenegro.

The unit is attached to the Russian military intelligence service (GRU) and is based behind concrete walls in the the headquarters of the 161 Special Purpose Specialist Training Centre in east Moscow.

The operations of unit 29155 are conducted in such ultra secrecy that regular personnel of the GRU in all likelihood don’t even know of the unit’s existence. (Pikemalt Eesti Elu 1.11.2019 paber-/PDF lehes)
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