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Security service yearbook 2019 Estonian Life
20 Apr 2019 EL (Estonian Life)
Laas Leivat
 - pics/2019/04/53491_001_t.jpg

The recently released Estonian Security Service (KAPO) annual report highlights challenges, successes and future targets assisting the government in making the right decisions in maintaining national security.

It's ironical that the report's release coincided with KAPO's detention of retired KAPO veteran officer Vladimir Kulikov for 'cooperating' with Russian intelligence. While withholding most details of his arrest, it’s possible that Kulikov will be charged with high treason. Kulikov was known to have visited Russia where most recruitment approaches are made and is suspected of working with the Russian intelligence since. Retired in 2012, Kulikov was the recipient of the presidential Medal of the Eagle's Cross in 1998.

The report covers several areas of KAPO activities but gives special attention to the formidable problem of Chinese clandestine services. KAPO analysts are convinced that the Chinese intend to enhance its influence in Estonia. Recruitment approaches have increased substantially. Making contact through the internet has helped the process considerably.
(Pikemalt Eesti Elu 18.04.2019 paberlehes)