Seedrioru is fifty
Archived Articles | 10 Jun 2005  | EWR
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Fifty years ago our fathers had a dream. They visualized a small parcel of land where their children could enjoy endless sunshine, speak their mother tongue and keep their cultural inheritance intact. The dream became a reality and three generations later we are celebrating their vision.

Everyone associated with Seedrioru has many memories. Countless romances started there and became marriages and later the children from these unions became part of the Seedrioru family. I distinctly remember those endless volleyball games. Some older campers might remember that girls had to participate in rhythmic gymnastics. That hour was of particular torture for some reason and there were some very creative reasons not to be involved.

Orutare was the first dorm. Boys and girls were separated and the buffer zone in the middle was occupied by the camp director. It might have been Prl. Juske, or Pr. Kullango or Pr. Kink. Since cell phones were nonexistent some genius strung a line between the two groups and messages were sent over the director's head.

What memories do you have of Blondies? Swimming at the Quarry was also considered a forbidden sport. Winters at Seedrioru were fierce. Often cars were left at the bottom of the hill and everyone trudged up the hill to the main lodge. Wonderful days of skiing were combined with rahvatants in the evening. The hill that was the big challenge is now part of the Vabaõhulava. A fairly well guarded secret involved the cenotaph. The morning of the big unveiling almost did not happen. At six o'clock that very morning someone almost crashed their car into it. Summer nights echoed singing at the campfire along with the sounds of accordions and guitars.

What kind of memories do you have? Come to Seedrioru Saturday June 25th and share your experiences with others. Let’s meet at 3:30 pm or 15:30 on the other side of the creek from Heino Paluveer's place and walk or march down together to show our fathers that we appreciate their dream.

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