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Seedrioru päevalaager nädal 2 / Seedrioru Week 2
20 Jul 2021 Karen Must
Foto:  Karen Must  - pics/2021/07/58486_025_t.jpg
Foto: Karen Must

in English, please see below.

Hoorei me Seedrioru noored!
Vaba mets meil kaitseja
Elu ilus oled sa!

Kuigi ilmataat ennustas halba ilma, nautis Seedrioru päevalaager teisel nädalal ilusaid päiksepaistelisi päevi!

Laagri teise nädala teemaks oli “Kunst ja Teadus”. Sellega oli lastel palju tegevust, muu hulgas kudumine, Viikingite kilpide tegemine, plaatide valmistamine, klaasi dekoreerimine, värvisärgi tegemine ja puupõletamise kunst. Lapsed said ka nautida teatrietendust. Tegevustest võtsid lapsed ilusti osa ja kuulsid kasvatajate ja vabatahtlike abilist juhtnööre. Suur tänu Lisa Ross’ile (elukutseliselt kooliõpetaja Hamiltonist), kes õpetas klasse teadusest ja värvisärkide tegemist. Kristina Ojaperv esitas lastele jutu (eesti ja inglise keeles) Vahvast Toomast, kes päästis linna oma julgusega; sellele järgnes paberist vana Tallinna tornide tegemine. Uus vabatahtlik abiline tädi Anne Remmel tutvustas lastele tema isa nahatöö kunsti; suured lapsed said omale teha nahast käevõrusid ja ripatseid. Tädi Rutti Yalle õpetas väikestele lastele lõnganukkude tegemist. Tädi Leena Kimsto tegi ettekande Eesti Viikingite ajaloost. Väiksed lapsed tegid Viikingite kilpe Eesti mustritega ja suured lapsed kudusid sini-must-valge lõngadega. Tädi Silvi Aarlaht näitas lastele kuidas teha küünlahoidjaid klaaspurkidest. Tädi Kai Eichenbaum õpetas suurtele lastele keraamikakunsti tegemist; tema tuleb järgmine nädal tagasi, kui kunstitööd on ahjus valmis põletatud. Sarah Granskou ja Ewerti pere esitasid lastele nukuteatrit looduse kaitmise teemal; lapsed nautisid eriti käsitsi tehtud nukke. Rohkem infot võib saada tema veebilehelt (

Mudilaste grupp sai teha erinevaid tegevusi, sealhulgas linnumajade värvimist, mängutaigna tegemist, lillepotte ja seemnete istutamist, putukate leidmist, mesilate peapaelade tegemist, loodusematkasid, kanade külastamist ja mängude mängimist. Suur tänu mudilaste abilistele: tädi Kaili Hilkawichile, tädi Kari Westile ja tädi Carmen Poolakesele. Teise laagrinädala lõpul ütlesime “nägemist” meie mudilaste grupile – mudilased ootavad põnevusega järgmise aasta laagri tegevust. Laager tänas ka selle nädala toiduabilisi Kitcheneri Eesti Seltsist: Linda Montgomery, Merike Hansen, Krista Heap, Rutti Yalle, Kaila Montgomery; ka aitasid Kadri Munro, Katti Otsa ja Karen Must.

Laagri nädal lõppes lasketiiru tegevusega suurte ja väikeste lastega; sellega aitasid Toronto Eesti Püssi- ja Püstoliklubi vabatahtlikud: Trevor Crossman, Lia Hess, Markus Alliksaar, Margus Jukkum, Marika Kull, Mati Raudsepp ja Toomas Aasa.

Laagri tegevusega on suureks abiks olnud meie vabatahtlikud, kes aitavad meie kogukonna tulevikku. Lastele jäävad ilusad mälestused, said uuendada oma sõprusi ja õppida Eesti kultuuri. Järgmisel nädalal toimub laagri “Survivor” nädal.

Elagu Seedrioru!

Karen Must


Seedrioru Week 2:
Hoorei me Seedrioru noored!
Vaba mets meil kaitseja
Elu ilus oled sa!

Our second week despite a menacing weather forecast, turned out to be an absolutely beautiful week for fun in the sun!

The theme for the second week was Arts and Science and we were very fortunate to have a variety of arts represented : weaving, Viking shield making, tile making, glass decorating, tye dying, wood burning, and a LIVE theatre presentation! Our campers were happy ones as throughout all of the presentations you could have heard a pin drop- they were so engaged in what they were learning and doing.

Many thanks to our own Lisa Ross - Hamilton School Board teacher - who is passionate about science and the environment who provided interesting activities like making slime, tye dye colour mixing, and fossil discovery!

Kristina Ojaperv engaged the children with the story of Vahva Toomas and how he saved the city with his bravery. The lapsed were then challenged to build towers and buildings of vana Tallinn out of paper! They were very skilled tower builders!

Kristina read the story in both English and Estonian- they were totally entranced in the story!

Tädi Anne Remmel came to us, a newcomer volunteer this year with tales of her father and his exquisite leatherwork creations. The older children were able to make pendants, bracelets learning a new Estonian vocabulary of words pertaining to leatherwork . The creative juices were flowing and the craftsmanship was astounding!
Tädi Rutti Yalle taught the younger children about the traditional art of yarn dolls and created all sorts of dolls and animals - they were amazing!!!

Tädi Leena Kimsto entertained our younger children talking about our Viking ancestry and how we Eestlased were important traders 600 years ago. They made shields with a variety of Estonian patterns. The older group was taught how to weave with blue-black-white yarn. The results were beautiful!

Tädi Silvi Aarlaht taught all of our lapsed how to recycle glass yogurt containers into beautiful votive candleholders with a variety of recycled materials. They were so unique and bringing more light into the world!

Tädi Kai Eichenbaum was back with us once again and instructed the older group on tilemaking. Stay tuned, as she comes back next week with the tiles which have been fired.

We were entertained by parent Sarah Granskou and the Ewert family with a series of stories about the environment. She brought a host of felted puppets which were beautiful to behold and appreciate. The presentations were interactive and intriguing for all the groups toddlers, younger and older children. The older children really appreciated the artistry of the puppets. Check out her

The toddlers group enjoyed experimenting to make their own playdough, painted birdhouses, decorated flower posts and planting seeds in them to take home and watch grow , catching bugs, decorated mesilaste headbands went swimming twice every day , nature walks, beading, playing games like Mis kell on Hr/Pr Hunt? and visited the resident rooster and chickens!

Many thanks to tädi Kaili Hilkawich, tädi Kairi West and tädi Carmen Poolakese for your super activities, and having so much fun with us!

On the toddlers’ last supper, the entire camp said goodbye to them clapped for them and when asked if they were going to come back next year they squealed Jah!!!

The whole camp also said thank you to the Kitcheneri Estonian Association for cooking wonderful meals for us this week: tädi Linda Montgomery, tädi Merike Hansen, tädi Krista Heap, tädi Rutti Yalle, tädi Kaila Montgomery and tädi Kadri Munro, tädi Katti Otsa and tädi Karen Must : many, many thanks!

We ended the week with the suured and väikesed going shooting at the gun range. Many thanks to the TEPP volunteers: Trevor Crossman, Lia Hess, Markus Aliksaar, Margus Jukkum, Marika Kull, Mati Raudsepp and Toomas Aasa for teaching the children gun safety and to appreciate this traditional Estonian sport.

We are so lucky to have so many volunteers that care so much about our future: our children. Memories have been made, friendships renewed, and the love of our Estonian background reignited.

Stay tuned…next week: SURVIVOR WEEK!!!

Elagu Seedrioru!!!

Fotod: Karen Must
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