Seedrioru talgud INVITATION! 11 June 2011
27 May 2011 EWR Online
Please join us for the first ever Four Estonian Society Joint Volunteer Work Day on Saturday June 11th and the evening Celebration to follow.
On that day we honour four long-time Seedrioru volunteers who continue to support Seedrioru financially as well as through their labour. These members of the 90s club are setting a good example for all of us in having kept Seedrioru close to their hearts over many decades.
The Honourees are Jaan Eichenbaum, Benno Jostman, Heino Paluveer, and Kalju Varangu. Although normally not eager to take centre stage, all were quick to agree to participate in the hope that the Celebration can benefit Seedrioru. They and we hope that people will take this opportunity to help grow support for Seedrioru. We need to ensure that the work these men have done over the past many decades will continue to be done in the future.
Cooperative volunteer work is and has always been Seedrioruʼs foundation. From the early days when members of the four Societies (Hamilton, Kitchener, London, and St. Catharines) pooled their resources to purchase the property we now know as Seedrioru right up to the present day, without the work of many many volunteers there would be no buildings, no camp, and no Suvihari. No single volunteer could have done the job alone.
The story of Seedrioru is the celebration of teamwork. It is the story of a democratic heritage that refugees brought with them. It is the story of people who, by working together, were able to make something out of nothing.
Letʼs make the most of this opportunity to benefit Seedrioru either by donating directly to Seedrioru and/or donating through The Estonian Foundation of Canada for tax- deductible donations, and/or contributing your much-needed and appreciated labour.
Work Coordinator, Hannes Aasa ) has suggestions for those who are able to work. Bring tools, work clothes and gloves. Be prepared to work in all weather conditions. Painting and scraping tools, such as scrapers, wire brushes, drop cloths, paint brushes and rollers. General carpentry tools are always in short supply.
Bring hammers, screwdrivers, saws and whatever else you think may be useful.
Seedrioru does have some lawn mowers but these too are in short supply when many people are working together so bring your own if you can. Branch and tree cutting equipment such as trimmers, clippers, chainsaws. Yard work: bring shovels and rakes and whatever other tools you might have for this type of work.
June 11th will also be the day on which concrete will be poured for the new outdoor shower stalls. Once these new outdoor showers are fully operational, they will make Seedrioru more attractive for rentals. Rental income is becoming an important source of revenue. The income allows Seedrioru to purchase materials for renovations and helps keep our volunteer workers busy.
If you are able to make a financial donation, please consider donating your money to help purchase materials to do two important renovation jobs: (1) The floor in the Main Hall needs to be refinished (to encourage rental income) and (2) Windows in the Red House (used by the youngest children during camp) need to be replaced.
You can also help make this Celebration a success by donating prizes to the lottery to be held in the evening.
Together, letʼs donate our time, work, and money for the good of Seedrioru. Together, letʼs show our appreciation to these four men whose work over decades has helped keep Seedrioru thriving. Together letʼs tell them we know the value of the important work they have done.
Directions: Coming from Toronto, (the bridge has finally been re-opened) take #401 W to #6 N, then left on #7 then right turn on #86 towards Elmira. Turn right on the first road after Ariss. This will take you directly to Seedrioru on your left at 6338 Eighth Line W.
Coming from Elora, take Eighth Line W. We hope that you will participate. (And bring a friend...)
With warmest regards,
Seedrioru Board of Directors
(For more information, please contact Anne Varangu, )