Sergei Rauk
In Memoriam | 16 Nov 2009  | EWR
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The Toronto Estonian Community has sadly lost a dear friend in the recent passing of Mr. Sergei Rauk in his ninetieth year. Having deftly weathered the winds of war and occupation in their homeland of Estonia, Mr. Rauk brought his skills, fortitude, and good spirit to Canada where he met and married his life partner, Erika. Together, they worked tirelessly to build a better life for their communities in both Canada as well as in Estonia. Mr. Rauk is survived by his relatives in Estonia, Kaidu Lainevool, Marju Tambu, and Sirje Piile. We will be honouring the life of Mr. Rauk on Tuesday, November 17th, 2009 at Newbigging Funeral Home (733 Mount Pleasant Road) with a viewing at 10:00 AM and a service at 11:00 AM. Burial will follow at York Cemetery (160 Beecroft Road). Afterwards, we will gather at the Esto Café (958 Broadview Avenue) for a celebration of Mr. Rauk’s extraordinary life. If anyone is in need of transportation or further information, please contact Riki Roos at 416-792-1733.

Toronto Eesti ühiskonnast lahkus kallis sõber ja sugulane Sergei Rauk oma üheksakümnendas aastas. Olles sõjakära üle elanud, tõi Sergei oma oskusi, julgust, tugevust ja rõõmsat meelt Kanadasse, kus ta kohtas elukaaslast Erikat. Koos töötasid nad vãsimatult nii Kanada kui kodumaa ühiskondade abistamiseks .

Leinama jääb perekond Eestis: Kaidu Lainevool, Marju Tambu ja Sirje Piile.

Mälestame Sergei Rauga elu teisipäeval, 17. novembril Murray E. Newbigging Funeral Home’is (733 Mount Pleasant Road). Vaatus kell 10:00 hommikul ja teenistus kell 11:00. Matus järgneb York surnuaias (160 Beecroft Road) ning peied Eesti Maja Kohvikus.
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