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Short Story by Mati Unt Receives High Recognition in USA
22 Jan 2010 EWR Online
A short story by the Estonian author Mati Unt, “Brecht at Night”, was chosen as one of the 25 best translated literary works in the United States and this is seen as a breakthrough of Estonian literature to the world market, the daily Postimees wrote.

The choice by one of the biggest book wholesale chains, Barnes and Noble, is extraordinary because never before have Estonian books been included on the list.

According to Postimees, Unt's path to recognition started about five years ago, when representatives of Dalkey Archive Press came to Estonia at the invitation of the Estonian Literature Information Center (EKT). After meeting with literary critics and getting acquainted with the materials of the information centre, they said that Unt was the author they wished to start publishing.

EKT Director Ilvi Liive told the daily that Barnes and Noble had been the biggest bookseller in the United States and the choice of the best books was made by professionals who were not only book wholesalers but also published them. "As only two percent of the book market in America is books of translated fiction, being picked as one of the top 25 is a big breakthrough," Liive said.

Kerti Tergem, head of the foreign communication at the center, said that Unt was the first who managed to break through in America.

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