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Sihtkapital Üksi pole keegi. Nobody is alone. Eesti Elu
12 Oct 2019 EL (Estonian Life)
Sihtkapital Üksi pole keegi. Nobody is alone.
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Financial support from EFC helps our community thrive – together.
A runaway favourite from this summer’s Laulupidu had the entire audience of 150,000 singing along. Üksi pole keegi creates a phenomenal feeling of connection – between people, between generations, and even reaching beyond to our ancestors.
As Canadian-Estonians, we are grateful to those who came before us and created the institutions and community we enjoy today. The Estonian Foundation of Canada was founded to ensure our community stays strong for generations to come. For 45 years, individuals have donated to EFC to preserve our language, heritage, and culture. In turn, EFC helps fund our vibrant community with support to our many organizations, a variety of activities and high-quality events.
Üksi pole keegi. Nobody is alone.
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This spring, the EFC Board reviewed over 25 requests for financial support from across the country, ranging from special projects and events to Estonian summer camps and organizations for which ongoing funding is vital.
In addition to the fall funding commitments for Estonia Choir and for Laulupidu participants, this spring EFC approved funding for Toronto Eesti Meeskoor, Hamilton Estonian Society Choir, and for Estonian singers from Ontario who participated in Esto2019 in Helsinki. In total, EFC provided over $12,000 to support extraordinary expenses associated with Laulupidu – from extra workshops and concerts, to application and participation fees.
Although many of us visited Estonia this summer, attendance was stable and even increased at the Estonian summer camps at Jõekääru and Seedrioru. Support from EFC helps the camps remain affordable and attractive for families, so they keep coming back and remain connected with their language and heritage. Estonian summer camp organizers are able to focus on creating memorable experiences for our children because they know EFC financial support is available.
Metsaülikool and Seedrioru Suvihari are other great summer traditions that receive EFC support and bring Estonians together to share traditions and explore new ideas.
Across Canada, EFC supports the Vancouver Estonian Society Jaanipäev celebrations, their library, and the quarterly magazine Postipoiss. Sponsorship of golf tournaments in Montreal and Toronto helps support summer sporting events where a different mix of Canadian-Estonians can come together.
The Alberta Estonian Heritage Society with help from EFC sponsored a special art installation of Estonian artists Varvara & Mar at the New Gallery in Calgary, a thought-provoking piece on nationalism. In Montreal, the annual Jaanipäev celebrations at Lattemäe again received EFC support and continue to be a draw. The Foundation is also pleased to renew support for the Baltic Artists’ Association annual art exhibit in Montreal, a cooperative effort with the Latvian and Lithuanian communities.
Looking ahead to the fall, EFC is not only a proud founding sponsor of EstDocs, but also continues to support this annual film festival which attracts both Canadians and Estonians of all ages.
Estonian Music Week, started as part of the EV100 celebrations, continues to entertain and connect us to each other and to contemporary Estonian culture. As a major sponsor, EFC enthusiastically supports the addition of a tech conference Latitude44 to this year’s events, which will also inform Canadians about Estonia today.
EFC continues to be a major supporter of language and cultural education across Canada, including significant support for heritage schools in Hamilton, Montreal and Toronto. Each year, EFC awards honoraria to graduates of the Toronto Estonian Schools in recognition of their dedication and achievements in Estonian culture and language. This year, EFC honoraria were presented to Liisa Osso, Alexander Johannes Gonneau, Annely Tiia Kütt, Thomas Osso, Maarika Neges and Kalle McFarlane.
EFC also offers scholarships to post-secondary students in 2nd year or above each year. Congratulations to the 2018 EFC Scholarship recipients Joshua Gold, Liis Jõgi, Erik Kadai, Mark Pettinen, Tomas Saun, Elin Sõber-Williams and Emilie Tamtik. The application deadline for this year is October 15, 2019.
Through community donations, the Foundation supports each and every one of us by making sure we continue to have opportunities to connect with each other and to keep our language and heritage alive. Together, we can all ensure our future here in Canada.
Üksi pole keegi. Nobody is alone
Funded solely by donations and bequests from the community, the Estonian Foundation of Canada is a registered charity that supports Estonian cultural and heritage initiatives across Canada. Donations are accepted at any time. To learn more about the Foundation or to donate, call 416-465-5600 or visit
EFC accepts applications for funding grants twice a year: October 15 and April 15. All applications are reviewed by the Board of Directors according to rigorous review criteria and CRA Guidelines for charitable foundations. The EFC Scholarship application deadline is October 15.
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