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Social Dems demand explanation from Pihl
18 Dec 2009 EWR Online
Kai Joost, Baltic Reports

TALLINN — Social Democratic Party members will gather Friday evening to hear their leader Jüri Pihl explain his accusation that the prime minister and two other ministers may have committed treason.

The result of Friday's meeting of the Social Democratic Party could determine whether Jüri Pihl will continue leading the party in light of the treason accusation scandal.

Pih’ls statement to country’s Security Police Board, released to the public on Thursday, has developed into a national political scandal resulting in resentment even among his own party. The party’s general assembly scheduled a general meeting on Friday to discuss whether Pihl should continue as leader or not. Party members are divided between those loyal to Pihl and those arguing that the treason allegation warrants his removal from the leadership position.

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